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Section 1. Installation and Operation
Installation and use of this product requires
experience and knowledge of this or similar products.
Persons with reduced physical, mental or sensory
capabilities must not use this product, unless properly
instructed and supervised. Children must not be allowed
to play with this product.
l'installation et l'utilisation de ce produit exigent
une expérience et des connaissances de ce produit ou de produits
semblables. Une personne aux capacités physiques, mentales ou
sensorielles réduites ne doit pas utiliser ce produit, à moins d’être
correctement instruite et supervisée. On ne doit pas laisser les
enfants jouer avec ce produit.
This manual is broken down into two sections and describes the installation,
operation and control module for 1900e
series pumps. Section 1 describes
the installation and operation features. Section 2 describes the control mod-
ule and its functions.
1 - General Information Uses
The 1900e series circulating pumps are available in 2 versions. The ductile
iron version is used for the transfer of liquid media within a closed-loop
hot-water heating or air-conditioning hydronic system. The stainless steel
version is used in potable DHW systems or where NSF/ANSI 61 & 372
compliance is required.
Both the ductile iron and stainless steel versions are designed as single or
parallel main/standby operation variable-speed pumps, where the speed is
regulated by an on-board electronic device.
2 - Safety
These instructions should be studied carefully before installing or operating
the pump. They are meant to help you with installation, use and mainte-
nance and to increase your safety. Installation should be performed with re-
gards to local or national standards. Only qualified personnel should main-
tain and service these products. Failure to comply with safety precautions
could cause personal injury or machinery damage.
Do not use in swimming pool or spa areas. Pump
has not been investigated for these applications.
Ne pas utiliser dans une piscine ou un
spa. La pompe n’a pas été étudiée pour ces applications.
To avoid electrical shock, disconnect the power
supply to the circulator and the main electrical unit. Follow
all local electrical and plumbing codes.
Pour éviter tout choc électrique,
débranchez l’alimentation électrique vers le circu-lateur et
l’unité électrique principale. Respectez tous les codes de
plomberie et électriques locaux.
Hot surfaces can cause burns. The motor can
also reach temperatures that could cause injury.
Les surfaces chaudes peuvent provo-
quer des brûlures. Le moteur peut également atteindre des
températures qui peuvent entraîner des blessures.
The addition of petroleum based fluids or certain
chemical additives to systems using TACO equipment voids
the warranty.
L’ajout de liquides à base de pétrole ou
de certains additifs chimiques à des systèmes utilisant un
équipement TACO annule la garantie.
Use supply wires suitable for 90°C.
Misconnection or overload of electrical or
signal connections could cause pump to shut-down or
cause permanent damage.
Employer des fils d’alimentation
adeqauts pour 90°C.
Toute erreur de raccordement
ou surcharge des connexions électriques ou de
signalisation peut entraîner un arrêt de la pompe
ou des dommages permanents.
Do not operate pump without the electrical
cover securely attached.
Ne pas actionner la pompe si le
couvercleélectrique n’est pas correctement fixé.
Pump motor, electronics enclosure and conden-
sate drain openings should not be thermally insulated as
it could interfere with cooling and condensate drainage.
Lemoteur depompe, l’enceinte
électronique et les ouvertures de drainage de condensat
doivent être thermiquement isolés car il peut y avoir interférence avec
l’évacuation de condensat et deliquide de refroidissement.
3 - Pump Description
The high efficiency, electronically commutated, close coupled 1900e series
pumps consist of two main parts; the centrifugal pump and the electronic
control. The hydraulic section is sealed from the motor assembly by a me-
chanical seal. 1900e series pumps are powered by an electronically com-
mutated permanent magnet motor (ECM) which does not consume energy
to magnetize the rotor, providing superior energy efficiency.
The ECM motor is run by an on-board frequency converter. The converter
estimates current flow and head from the motor load and speed. With this
information the self-sensing ECM pump constantly calculates pump head
and flow and adapts motor speed to the appropriate flow for the selected
3.1 - Features
• 10 easy to set modes to match system requirements.
4 - Constant Pressure modes.
3 - Constant Speed modes.
1 - Proportional Pressure mode.
1 - 0-10v mode.
1 - 2-pump operation mode.
• ECM performance equivalent to the versatile 1900 & 1600 series
• Fully rotational User Interface (UI) to accommodate any pump position.
• Led Status monitors Pump On (solid green), Pump in Standby (flashing
green) and Error (flashing red error code - see section 22.1)
• Mechanically sealed for easy maintenance.
4 - Use
All 1900e series pumps equipped with a ductile iron casing are intended
for circulation of solid-free fluid in pressurized, hot and chilled hydronic sys-
tems. All 1900e series pumps equipped with a stainless steel casing are
intended for DHW and potable water applications and are NSF Commercial
Hot (180°F water) rated and suitable for sanitizing applications.