The Tach-It Model #3567 has been designed to require as little normally scheduled maintenance as
possible. Excess lubrication in this machine becomes a detriment, not a benefit for the machine. In
Especially dusty environments, the lubricants attract the dust and become pasty losing any benefit they
may have had. When lubricating this machine, please only lubricate where specified and in limited
quantities. The gears of this machine are hardened and do not need lubrication to function properly.
Keep the unit clean and free of debris:
The most important maintenance that can be performed on the Model #3567 is to keep it free of dirt and
debris. The best way to do this is with using compressed air. Small pieces of twist tie ribbon, bags, dust, and
products may enter the machine and effect the movement of the parts. This debris should be removed
periodically. Also, debris may settle between the Upper Plate and Middle Plate. To remove this, follow the
directions in Section 4 and when the Upper Plate is removed, clean or blow out the debris and re-assemble.
There is no exact time frame for how often this must be done. Much will depend on the environment, the
product and the twist tie ribbon used.
Lubricate the Switching Arm:
There is a protrusion on the Switching Arm that rides along a groove of the Segment Gear. This protrusion
should be lubricated when it becomes dry using a medium weight machine grease. Do not over-lubricate this
part, as excess grease may fly during the cycle of the machine. See Figure 21.
Lubricate the Switching Arm Assembly:
The Switching Arm Assembly runs from the front Tying Aperture of the machine back to the Micro-switch. It
is the assembly that moves when a bag is inserted into the tying aperture and triggers the Micro-Switch to be-
gin the next cycle. See Figure 21. If this becomes dirty or dry, the assembly should be removed, which is
easily done, clean under the assembly, lubricate, and re-assemble. To do this follow the instructions below:
1) Remove the Top Cover per the instructions in Section 1. Notice the path of travel of the Switch Lever
2) Locate and remove the Switch Lever Spring.
3) Locate the 2 C-Clips shown on Figure 21 and remove them with a long nosed pliers.
4) Lift the Switching Arm Assembly up out of the machine. There are rollers and washers located on the
posts where the C-Clips have been removed. These should also be removed from the machine at this time.
5) Clean all the components of the Switching Arm Assembly including the washers and rollers.
6) Using a spray lubricant such as silicone or a very lightweight machine oil, lightly coat the path of travel of
the Switching Arm Assembly. Do not over-lubricate, not much lubrication is necessary.
7) Re-install the washers and rollers onto the posts that they were removed from.
8) Place the Switching Arm Assembly back onto the posts and re-align its travel so it is the same as whenit
was removed.
9) Re-install the C-Clips using a long nosed pliers.
10) Replace the Top Cover per the instructions in Section 1.
Lubricate the Needle Arm:
Lubrication of the Needle Arm may become necessary if the machine occasionally does not complete its cycle.
Due to friction between the Needle Arm and the underside of the Middle Plate, lubrication may be necessary.
This is the only area of the machine where a lubricant can be liberally applied as the area is sealed. Complete
instructions for doing this can be found in Section 8 of this manual.
See Figure 21 on the next page.