To ensure safe operation of the GigTest™, follow these instructions.
WARNING! Do not attach to AC power.
The GigTest is designed for use on
unenergized cabling systems.
Connecting the GigTest to live AC power
may damage it and pose a safety hazard for the user.
Failure to observe these warnings
can result in severe injury or death.
Always Check Connectors First
Poorly terminated RJ45 connectors have the potential to damage the
jacks on the GigTest™. Always visually inspect an RJ45 connector before
inserting it into the tester. All the contacts should always be recessed into
the plastic housing of the connector.
Only insert RJ45 connectors into the RJ45 jack in the tester. Plugging
6-position connectors (RJ12/RJ11) into the 8-position jack on the tester
may damage the outer-most contacts of the jack unless the connector is
specifically designed for that purpose.