T-Mobile T Phone Pro 2023 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

T Phone Pro (2023)

5G смартфон

Корисничко упатство


Содержание T Phone Pro 2023

Страница 1: ...T Phone Pro 2023 5G...

Страница 2: ...2 2 6 3 7 3 1 7 3 2 7 3 3 NFC 7 3 4 8 3 5 8 3 6 8 3 7 9 3 8 9 3 9 9 3 10 10 4 10 4 1 10 4 2 11 4 3 13 4 4 Gmail 14 4 5 Chrome 15 4 6 15 4 7 16 4 8 17 4 9 18 5 Google 19 6 20 7 20 7 1 20 7 2 SIM 20 7 3...

Страница 3: ...3 1 1 1 SIM microSD 5M 2M 50MP USB C 2M macro Google Assistant 10...

Страница 4: ...4 1 2 SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM microSD SIM Wi Fi Wi Fi PIN...

Страница 5: ...5 1 3 1 4 Wi Fi 5G Gmail NFC e...

Страница 6: ...6 2 2 1 PIN PIN PIN USB C USB C 2 2...

Страница 7: ...7 3 3 1 3 2 GPS 24 3 3 NFC NFC NFC...

Страница 8: ...8 3 4 3 5 3 6...

Страница 9: ...9 3 7 3 8 3 3 Google Assistant 3 9...

Страница 10: ...10 3 10 Google Drive 4 4 1 SIM PIN Reply...

Страница 11: ...11 1 4 2 Gmail 1...

Страница 12: ...12 vCard Bluetooth SIM microSD o...

Страница 13: ...13 4 3 SMS MMS Start chat 160 MMS vCard If you touch and hold a message the following options will be available...

Страница 14: ...14 4 4 Gmail Gmail Gmail Incoming server settings and Outgoing server settings interfaces Google Compose Cc Bcc Gmail Gmail 16 Google 2 Google...

Страница 15: ...15 https myaccount google com security signinoptions two step verification Google 16 4 5 Chrome Chrome Chrome 4 6 3 3...

Страница 16: ...16 3 4 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6...

Страница 17: ...17 Google Lens 4 8...

Страница 18: ...18 4 9...

Страница 19: ...19 5 Google Google Google Google Google Gmail Google Gmail Gmail Google 360 YouTube YouTube Drive Google Drive Google Google Meet Google...

Страница 20: ...20 YT Music YT Music Downloader Windows YouTube YT Music Downloader YouTube MP3 YouTube 6 Play Store Android SD Google Play Store YouTube Bluetooth USB 7 7 1 PIN 7 2 SIM PIN SIM SIM PIN PIN SIM...

Страница 21: ...21 7 3 PIN 7 4 PIN 7 5 7 6 8 8 1 8 2 Wi Fi...

Страница 22: ...22 9 T Mobile 0 C 32 F 40 C 104 F 40 C 104 F...

Страница 23: ...23 RF CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE CE RF CE SAR RF CE SAR 2 0 2 0W kg SAR 1 76 W kg 10g 1 87 W kg 10g CE RF 5mm SAR RF...

Страница 24: ...a org news how to recycle your mobile device 1 855 368 0829 CTIA http www recyclewirelessphones com 0 C 32 F 45 C 113 F 100 240 V 50 60 Hz 0 5 A 5 V 3 A microSD SD 3C LLC Bluetooth Bluetooth SIG Inc W...

Страница 25: ...25 0 dBm B4 25 0 dBm B5 25 0 dBm B7 25 0 dBm B8 25 0 dBm B20 25 0 dBm B28 25 0 dBm B38 27 5 dBm NR N1 24 0 dBm N3 24 0 dBm N7 24 0 dBm N28 24 0 dBm N38 24 0 dBm N78 27 0dBm 2 4G WIFI 2 412 2 472GHz 1...

Страница 26: ...26 5150 5250 MHz UAS 5170 5250 MHz 5250 5350 MHz WAS RLAN 31 2028 5470 5725 MHz UAS WAS RLAN 5600 5650 MHz 31 2028...

Страница 27: ...27 11 NameID SIM SIM SIM...

Страница 28: ...28 SIM T Mobile Wi Fi Wi Fi SIM SIM SIM SIM SIM 10...

Страница 29: ...29 10 0 C 32 F 45 C 113 F SIM T Mobile MMS MMS MMS PIN SIM PUK Smart Suite USB Smart Suite Agent USB Smart Suite microSD...

Страница 30: ...30 Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth 2 3 10 Bluetooth Wi Fi GPS Google Google Google Google...

Страница 31: ...T Phone Pro 2023 Telefon celular 5G Manuali i p rdorimit Shqip...

Страница 32: ...Mir qenia dixhitale dhe kontrollet prind rore 9 3 8 Gjestet 9 3 9 P rdoruesit e shumt 9 3 10Rezervimi dhe kthimi n gjendje fabrike 10 4 Aplikacionet 10 4 1 Telefonata 10 4 2 Kontaktet 11 4 3 Mesazhet...

Страница 33: ...in Rritja e volumit q t zgjidhni midis opsioneve Emergjenca Fikja ose Rindezje Shtypni dhe mbani shtypur butonin Ndezja fikja dhe butonin Ulja e volumit p r t marr nj pamje ekrani dhe p r ta ruajtur a...

Страница 34: ...prej ve orive t telefonit Konfigurimi i telefonit Her n e par q ndizni telefonin ju duhet t caktoni opsionet e m poshtme Prekni Anglisht Shtetet e Bashkuara p r t zgjedhur gjuh n dhe prekni Cil simet...

Страница 35: ...in n shiritin e k rkimit Klikoni mikrofonin p r t nisur nj k rkim me t folur Prekni p r t hapur nj aplikacion ose dosje Prekni dhe mbajeni prekur p r t l vizur ose ndryshuar aplikacionet Shiriti i apl...

Страница 36: ...utni kabllon USB t tipit C n folen e karikimit si tregohet Lidhni karikuesin n priz n elektrike Sh nim P rdorni kabllon USB t tipit C t p rfshir n kuti Karikuesi elektrik shitet m vete P rdorimi i kab...

Страница 37: ...sht dat n Prekni Vendos or n p r t hapur nj dritare ku mund t vendosni manualisht or n Brezi orar automatik Aktivizoni p r t aktivizuar brezin orar t ofruar nga rrjeti Dhe ju mund t aktivizoni P rdor...

Страница 38: ...n portret p r t vazhduar p rdorimin Ekrani i ky jes P rshtatni se far do t shfaqet n ekranin e ky jes 3 5 Figura e sfondit Prekni Fotografit p r t zgjedhur nga imazhet q jan t ruajtura n pajisjen tuaj...

Страница 39: ...cionet e fundit Prekeni p r t par aplikacionet e p rdorura s fundmi Rr shqitni lart n ekran p r t hequr nj miniatur t ve ant nga lista ose l vizni deri n fund nga e majta dhe prekni PASTRO T GJITHA p...

Страница 40: ...thirrjen Gjithashtu mund t zgjidhni nj kontakt nga T preferuar T fundit ose Kontaktet duke prekur n sked n p rkat se Numri q keni vendosur mund t ruhet te kontaktet duke prekur Krijo kontakt t ri N se...

Страница 41: ...r t p rfundoni prekni Ruaj Zgjidhni nj fotografi ose b ni nj fotografi p r kontaktin Prekni p r t hapur etiketat n dispozicion Shtimi i nj kontakti Prekni n list n e kontakteve p r t krijuar nj kontak...

Страница 42: ...lo dhe menaxho Importo eksporto Importoni ose eksportoni kontaktet midis telefonit kart s SIM kart s microSD dhe memories s telefonit Cil simet Informacioni juaj Prekeni p r t konfiguruar profilin tua...

Страница 43: ...he dhe vCard n celular t e tjer t p rputhsh m dhe n adresat e emailit Vendosni numrin e telefonit t marr sit n shiritin P r Prekni shiritin Mesazh me tekst p r t futur tekstin e mesazhit Prekni p r t...

Страница 44: ...i adres n at e emailit t marr sit ve n fush n P r N se nevojitet prekni Cc Bcc p r t shtuar n mesazh nj kontakt tjet r ose nj kontakt t paduksh m Shkruani subjektin dhe p rmbajtjen e mesazhit Prekni p...

Страница 45: ...t Megjithat do t shihni nj list t aplikacioneve dhe pajisjeve p r t cilat keni krijuar fjal kalime t aplikacioneve 4 5 Chrome Shijoni lundrimin n internet duke p rdorur shfletuesin Chrome P r t hyr n...

Страница 46: ...ekranin e detajeve t tij m pas prekni p r ta modifikuar eventin Prekni dhe Fshi p r ta hequr eventin ose Dublo p r ta kopjuar eventin Kujtesa p r eventin N se p r nj event sht caktuar nj kujtes eventi...

Страница 47: ...ose p r ta luajtur at Rr shqitni majtas djathtas p r t par fotografit videot e m parshme ose pasuese Puna me fotografit Ju mund t punoni me fotografit duke i rrotulluar ose duke i prer ato duke i ndar...

Страница 48: ...ur alarmin Fshi Prekeni p r ta fshir alarmin Vendosja e koh mat sit Prekni n ekranin e or s Vendosni koh n n rendin e sekondave minutave dhe or ve Prekni p r t aktivizuar num rimin mbrapsht Prekni p r...

Страница 49: ...kacion ju mund t gjeni vendndodhjen tuaj t k rkoni p r nj vend dhe t merrni planifikimin e sugjeruar t rrug s p r udh timet tuaja YouTube YouTube sht nj aplikacion p r ndarje e videove online ku p rdo...

Страница 50: ...as ose kundrejt nj pagese Files Aplikacioni Files shfaq t gjitha t dh nat e ruajtura n telefon duke p rfshir ato n memorien e brendshme dhe n kart n e jashtme SD si p r shembull aplikacionet skedar t...

Страница 51: ...zuar pajisja q ndron e shky ur kur sht e sigurt me ju 7 6 Enkriptimi dhe kredencialet Te M shum cil sime sigurie prekni p r t par statusin e enkriptimit t pajisjes suaj dhe detajet e kredencialeve Ju...

Страница 52: ...nyr n e duhur f mij t e vegj l kur p rdorin pajisjen tuaj celulare Mos tentoni t zb rtheni pajisjen celulare N se e zb rtheni pajisjen tuaj celulare garancia do t b het e pavlefshme Gjithmon trajtojen...

Страница 53: ...par informacionin rregullator p r k t pajisje rr shqitni me gisht lart nga ekrani kryesor m pas prekni Cil simet Rreth telefonit Informacioni rregullator Ky smartfon sht testuar dhe klasifikuar p r p...

Страница 54: ...E BATERIA Z VEND SOHET ME NJ LLOJ T PASAKT PAJISJA MUND T SHP RTHEJ HIDHNI BATERIT E P RDORURA N P RPUTHJE ME UDH ZIMET Informacioni i riciklimit Telefononi mb shtetjen e klientit p r riciklimin n num...

Страница 55: ...dBm B2 25 0 dBm B3 25 0 dBm B4 25 0 dBm B5 25 0 dBm B7 25 0 dBm B8 25 0 dBm B20 25 0 dBm B28 25 0 dBm B38 27 5 dBm NR N1 24 0 dBm N3 24 0 dBm N7 24 0 dBm N28 24 0 dBm N38 24 0 dBm N78 27 0 dBm Wi Fi 2...

Страница 56: ...zi i frekuenc s 5250 5350 MHz P rdorimi n ambiente t brendshme Vet m brenda nd rtesave Instalimet dhe p rdorimi n mjete rrugore trena dhe mjet fluturues nuk lejohet P rdorimi n ambiente t jashtme nuk...

Страница 57: ...ehur emrin ose numrin e tij Nuk i gjej dot kontaktet e mia Sigurohuni q karta SIM nuk sht thyer Sigurohuni q karta SIM sht futur si duhet Importoni n telefon t gjitha kontaktet e ruajtura n kart n SIM...

Страница 58: ...ipi n kart n SIM nuk sht d mtuar Sigurohuni q sh rbimi i kart s suaj SIM p rputhet me rrjetin ku ndodheni Telefoni nuk b n dot thirrje dal se Sigurohuni q keni formuar nj num r t vlefsh m dhe keni pre...

Страница 59: ...trolloni memorien e telefonit sepse ajo mund t jet plot Kontaktoni me kujdesin p r klientin p r t verifikuar disponueshm rin e sh rbimit dhe parametrat MMS Verifikoni numrin e qendr s s sh rbimit ose...

Страница 60: ...k po p rdoren p r periudha t gjata kohe aktivizoni Bluetooth Wi Fi ose GPS kur nuk i p rdorni Telefoni nxehet pas telefonatave t gjata kur luan loj ra pas lundrimit n internet ose ekzekutimit t aplika...

Страница 61: ...T Phone Pro 2023 5G Mobile Phone User Manual English...

Страница 62: ...lay 8 3 5 Wallpaper 8 3 6 Sound 8 3 7 Digital Wellbeing parental controls 9 3 8 Gestures 9 3 9 Multiple users 9 3 10Backup Factory Reset 10 4 Applications 10 4 1 Call 10 4 2 Contacts 11 4 3 Messages 1...

Страница 63: ...he Power key and Volume up key to select from Emergency Power off or Restart Press and hold the Power key and Volume down key to take a screenshot and save it Press and hold the Power key and Volume u...

Страница 64: ...able to connect to a Wi Fi network and use some of the phone s features Set up your phone The first time you power on the phone you should set the following options Touch English United States to choo...

Страница 65: ...xt in the search bar Click the microphone to initiate a search by speaking Touch to open an application or folder Touch and hold to move or change applications Favorite apps tray Touch to open the app...

Страница 66: ...g the charger into an electrical outlet Insert the USB type C cable into the charge port as shown Connect charger to power outlet Note Please use the USB type C cable included in the box Wall charger...

Страница 67: ...to open a dialog in which you can manually set the date Touch Set time to open a dialog in which you can manually set the time Automatic time zone Turn on 7 to enable the network provided time zone An...

Страница 68: ...off or use your device in portrait orientation to continue use Lock screen Customize what displays on your lock screen 3 5 Wallpaper Touch Photos to select from images that are stored on your device T...

Страница 69: ...on Touch to view recently used applications Swipe up on the screen to remove a specific thumbnail from the list or scroll all the way to the left and touch CLEAR ALL to remove all thumbnails from the...

Страница 70: ...uching the tabs The number you entered can be saved to Contacts by touching Create new contact If you make a mistake you can delete the incorrect digits by touching Reply To hang up a call touch Reply...

Страница 71: ...s voicemail When finished touch Save Select a picture or take a photo for the contact Touch to open available labels Adding a contact Touch in the contact list to create a new contact Enter the contac...

Страница 72: ...make further adjustments by touching Fix manage Fix manage Import Export Import or export contacts between phone SIM card microSD card and phone storage Settings Your info Touch to set up your profil...

Страница 73: ...ble mobiles and e mail addresses Enter the recipient s phone number in the To bar Touch the Text message bar to enter the text of the message Touch 13 Start chat to attach a emotion your location cont...

Страница 74: ...email address es in the To field If necessary touch 14 Compose Cc Bcc to add a copy or a blind copy to the message Enter the subject and the content of the message Touch 14 Compose to add an attachme...

Страница 75: ...ll see a list of apps and devices you ve created App passwords for 4 5 Chrome Enjoy surfing the Web using the Chrome browser To access this function touch Chrome 15 from the Home screen 4 6 Calendar Y...

Страница 76: ...edit an event touch the event to enter its details screen then touch 6 7 8 5 4 3 1 2 to edit the event Touch and Delete to remove the event or Duplicate to copy the event Event reminder If a reminder...

Страница 77: ...h the picture video directly to view or play Swipe left right to view previous or next pictures videos Working with photos You can work with pictures by rotating or cropping them sharing them with fri...

Страница 78: ...vibration Dismiss Touch to dismiss the alarm 18 Delete Touch to delete the alarm Setting timer Touch 18 on the clock screen Enter time in the sequence of seconds minutes and hours Touch 18 to activat...

Страница 79: ...sing this application you can find your own location search for a place and get suggested route planning for your trips YouTube YouTube is an online video sharing application where users can upload vi...

Страница 80: ...either free of charge or at a cost 20 Files Files displays all data stored on the phone including both external SD card and internal storage such as applications media files downloaded from Google Pl...

Страница 81: ...unlocked when it is safe with you 7 6 Encryption credentials Under More security settings touch to view your device encryption status and the credentials items You can modify and clear all of the sto...

Страница 82: ...e your mobile device Do not attempt to disassemble your mobile device If you disassemble your mobile device the warranty will not apply Always handle your mobile device with care and keep it in a clea...

Страница 83: ...ce To view the regulatory information for this device on the device swipe up from the home screen then tap Settings About phone Regulatory labels This smartphone has been tested and rated for use with...


Страница 85: ...LTE B1 25 0dBm B2 25 0dBm B3 25 0dBm B4 25 0dBm B5 25 0dBm B7 25 0dBm B8 25 0dBm B20 25 0dBm B28 25 0dBm B38 27 5dBm NR N1 24 0dBm N3 24 0dBm N7 24 0dBm N28 24 0dBm N38 24 0dBm N78 27 0dBm 2 4G WIFI 2...

Страница 86: ...Frequency band 5250 5350 MHz Indoor use Inside buildings only Installations and use in road vehicles trains and aircraft are not permitted Outdoor use is not permitted Operation of WAS RLAN installati...

Страница 87: ...an t find my contacts Make sure that your SIM card is not broken Make sure that your SIM card is inserted properly Import all contacts stored in SIM card to phone The sound quality of the calls is poo...

Страница 88: ...e that the chip on your SIM card is not damaged Make sure that the service of your SIM card matches the network you re on My phone can t make outgoing calls Make sure that you have dialed a valid numb...

Страница 89: ...network is busy I can t send and receive MMS Check your phone storage as it might be full Contact customer care to check service availability and MMS parameters Verify the server center number or your...

Страница 90: ...ations if they are not being used for extended periods of time Deactivate Bluetooth Wi Fi or GPS when not in use The phone becomes warm following prolonged calls game playing internet surfing or runni...
