Chapter 2 — Installation
2.1 System Connection and Operation
Figure 2. Transmission Diagram
- To control PTZ camera with FX-Tron, connect system as below.
1. Setup Fx-Torn ID(camera ID), video mode(NTSC/PAL) and RS485 port termination with dip switch.
2. Configure camera ID, protocol and port to keyboard.
If camera protocol is F2 or F2E, it is not necessary to configure ‘CAMERA’ of keyboard. Configure
Pelco protocol camera refer to chapter 2.2.
3. Connect keyboard RS485 port and FX-Tron RS485 port.
4. Connect camera video output to CAM of FX-Tron box.
5. Connect MON of FX-Tron to monitor.
6. Select camera (ID + CAM key), and control PTZ camera with keyboard.
7. FX-Tron box’s front led displays current selected camera channel.
Note) Turn FX-Tron power off before setting dip switches.
Note) Run camera scan function with keyboard after connecting cameras for stable global
function like global preset.