Modular ARCs
Each RS-485 address (each brain
board) can be daisy-chained to
up to four EX4s, whose Board
IDs will range from zero to three.
A table showing which jumpers
to connect for each address is
screened onto the EX4. If the
base device already contains an
EX4 (as in the case of the SW4,
MIC and XLR), the Board ID of
zero will already be taken. If the
base device does not already
contain an EX4 (as in the case of
the K1), the EX4 Board IDs must
start at zero.
Each RS-485 address (each brain
board) can be daisy-chained with
up to two EXKs. Since Board IDs
zero through three are reserved for
EX4s, the EXKs use Board IDs four
and five. A table showing which
jumpers to connect for each address
is screened onto the EXK. If the
base device already contains an EXK
(as in the case of the K1 or SWK),
the Board ID of four will already
be taken, so the added EXK must
be set to Board ID five. If the base
device does not contain an EXK (as
in the case of the SW4, MIC and
XLR), the added EXK Board IDs
must start at four.
J3: Modular ARC
Expansion Bus
Connects to the
brain board or
expansion board
with the next
lowest Board ID.
J4: Board ID 1
The jumper position of J4
combined with the jumper
position of J5 determines
the Board ID (0-3). A table
showing which jumpers to
connect for each address is
screened onto the EX4.
J5: Board ID 2
The jumper position of J4
combined with the jumper
position of J5 determines the
Board ID (0-3). A table showing
which jumpers to connect for
each address is screened onto
the EX4.
J2: Modular ARC Expansion
Modular ARC expansion devices
daisy-chain from this connection.
J3: Modular ARC
Expansion Bus
Connects to the brain
board or expansion
board with the next
lowest Board ID.
J4: Board ID 1
The jumper position
of J4 determines the
Board ID (4-5). A
table showing which
jumpers to connect
for each address is
screened onto the EXK
J2: Modular ARC
Expansion Bus
Modular ARC
expansion devices
daisy-chain from
this connection.
Hardware Setup