Mobile Device Package Editor Reference
Introduction to Mobile Device Package Editor
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Click the Compile button to build the package.
Using the INF Editor
As you specify settings in Installation Expert, an .INF file is created, containing
information about the installation. The INF Editor lets you view and edit that .INF file.
You might do this to add functionality that isn’t possible with Installation Expert alone.
To display the INF Editor, click the INF Editor tab at the lower left of the main window.
The INF Editor is a basic text editor. Changes that you make in Installation Expert are
automatically reflected in the .INF file, and vice versa.
The INF Editor does not validate any changes you make to the .INF file. Edit the .INF file
directly only if you have a clear understanding of the .INF file contents and syntax.
Search for “.inf Files for Devices” in the MSDN library (
Compiling a Mobile Device Installation
Mobile device .CAB files are generated by the CabWiz program from an information
(.INF) file. The Application Type option on the Application Information page
determines which CabWiz program is used:
Pocket PC applications use Cabwiz.exe.
Smartphone applications use CabwizSP.exe.
Compiled Files
When you compile an .INF file with the Mobile Device Package Editor, the following files
are created:
The installation file, containing all the resources (files, registry keys, and shortcuts)
that comprise the application. The compile process creates a .CAB file for the default
device and every additional device that is defined in the installation.
(Pocket PC only.) Stores the instructions for installing the application.
Records error messages that result from the compile.
To compile a mobile device installation
1. Click Compile at the lower right of the main window.
If you have not saved the installation, the Save As dialog box appears. Save the
.INF file.