Pg. 22
conservative with adjustments to the
response curve.
Test function menu
Press “OK” to access test functions
Test Pump
– depress OK and hold OK to
increase pump speed. Pump increases
gradually. Test pump initiates fuel
solenoids simultaneously. Be careful not to
flood the engine.
Test Fuel Valve
– press “OK” to activate
fuel valve. You will hear click, click, click
Test Gas Valve
– press “OK” to activate Gas
Valve – this controls fuel to the glow plug.
You will hear click, click, click
Test Glow Plug
– press “OK” to activate
Glow Plug circuit. A glow can be seen
from the rear of the motor.
Test Starter
– Press “OK” to activate
starter. Use this function to manually
cool the motor. RPM speed of starter is
set in the startup menu