− Phone Book −
Phone Book
The phone book can store 50 phone numbers, each with the associated name. Each
phone number can comprise a maximum of 20 digits and each name a maximum of
12 letters.
Entering phone numbers in the phone book
If the name already exists in the phone book, an acoustic signal is issued and
Add" appears in the display again. You have to enter another name.
The corresponding melody rings when a call is received from the caller ent-
ered. This assignment only functions when your telephone connection and
that of the caller implement the caller number display function (CLIP).
8.1.1 Notes on storing
Always enter the area access code with the phone numbers so that the tele-
phone can also assign incoming local calls to a phone book entry.
If the memory capacity of 50 phone numbers is reached, the mes-
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appears in the display. Phone book entries will then have
to be deleted in order create space.
8.1.2 Entering text
The digit keys are also labelled with letters. Pressing the respective key the necessary
number of times enables capital letters and digits to be entered.
To enter the name "Peter":
Press 1 x button
, 2 x button
, 1 x button
, 2 x button
3 x button
Further notes on entering text:
To enter the same letter twice, press the relevant button until the letter appears then wait
till the cursor automatically skips one position forward.
Press once
: Space
Press twice
: Hyphen
Deletes the last entry
Move the cursor
Changing phone book entries
To select an entry directly, press the corresponding button to enter the first let-
ter of the name required. To select the name Peter" directly, for example,
Deleting phone book entries
The deletion process is cancelled by pressing the
Dialling a phone number from the phone book