RE729 Programming Manual to PSWx29 VoX.docx
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Yes: This address has 1 long tone.
Tone 1 & 2
Enter the tone frequencies in hertz.
Grp. (Group)
Each address can be assigned for example to one of four groups A to D (see "Addresses"
tab, "Grp." column). On reception of an address in group A the top most group arrow (
starts flashing, and remains visible until the call is acknowledged. Groups A to D are linked
to the arrows from top to bottom of the display.
The pager's settings control the alert setting associated with the
address (Loud alert; Discrete alert; Silent alert).
This address will always emit a loud alert.
Tone &Voice:
The pager will alert and output the message (default)
The pager will only alert
The pager will only output the message
Voice memory
None: This alert never gets recorded
Dynamic: This alert will get recorded on the next free memory slot
Fix: This alert will get recorded on a predefined memory slot
Note: It is recommended to leave this setting on dynamic.
The acoustic alert melody can be chosen here. You can compose your own alert melody in
“Alert pattern.”
Define how many times you would like the alert melody to be repeated. The duration of
one repetition is approximately 1 second.
P (Pause: between the melody's repetition cycles)
Yes: with pause