Typ LG Standard
This is a rapid charger with 0 -180 mA variable load, indication of the
status via green/orange/red display LED, desktop version
Please note
This charger is suitable for all recommended power sources. It is an
intelligent device which regulates and controls the necessary charge
capacity. Automatic charge protection for dry batteries. Only to be
used in dry rooms.
ALG Standard
This is a rapid charger with 0 -180 mA variable load, indication of the
status via green/orange/red display LED, car version
Please note
This charger is suitable for all recommended power sources. It is an
intelligent device which regulates and controls the necessary charge
capacity and with an automatic charge protection for dry batteries.
Dry battery/rechargeable battery recognition
Dry battery/rechargeable battery recognition takes place in the pager
every time during the power-on beep tone after inserting a new cell
(dry or rechargeable battery). This power-on procedure is only pos-
sible if the battery voltage is higher than a set threshold value. The
information whether a dry or rechargeable battery has been detected
is then stored in the pager. If the newly inserted cell (dry or recharge-
able battery) is nearly discharged, the pager cannot initially detect
whether it is a dry or rechargeable battery. It is therefore first assumed
that the cell inserted is a rechargeable battery and the charging cur-
rent is switched on. The cell voltage is then immediately measured
and monitored by the pager.
When the cell voltage has reached the threshold value, the pagers
switch-on procedure and the battery recognition (dry/rechargeable)
is activated. Once the cell is recognised, the information is stored in
the pager. If the cell inserted is a rechargeable battery, charging is
continued, if a dry battery is detected charging is stopped immedi-
Some types of receiver offer manual selection of ”Rechargeable/dry
cell battery”.
Please refer to the receiver manual for further information.
There is a choice of two models for charging the pager’s recharge-
able power sources safely and correctly.
The range consists of rapid chargers (with regulated charge current)
desktop version and rapid chargers for cars.
This charger is suitable for the recommended NiMH batteries.
Mech. fitting in (A)LG Standard
The pager is only inserted properly in the (A)LG Standard when the
charge LED lights green or orange. If the charge LED is red
pager is not fitted correctly.
Significance of colour of charge LED
Charge LED not on:
no pager fitted
Charge LED lights red:
pager not fitted correctly
(no GND contact)
Charge LED lights orange: (A)LG Standard charging
Charge LED lights green:
(A)LG Standard not charging
(rechargeable battery fully charged or
dry battery in pager)
To remove the pager from the charger, press its clips slightly, then lift
it out towards the top.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub-
ject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful inter-
The device complies with the regulations of the R&TTE European
Directive (99/05/EU). Please ask for a declaration of conformity at
[email protected].
(A)LG Standard
Specification subject to change
Mit diesem Gerät haben Sie ein hochwertiges Produkt erworben.
Sollte es trotz Beachtung dieser Anleitung einmal Probleme im
Betrieb geben, setzen Sie sich bitte mit unserem Kundendienst in
Service après-vente
Vous avez fait l’acquisition d’un appareil de haute qualité. Si, malgré
le respect du présent mode d’emploi, un problème devait survenir,
veuillez contacter notre service après-vente.
Customer service
This device is a high-quality product. Should you have any problem
with its operation in spite of following these instructions, we kindly ask
you to contact our service department.
Swissphone Wireless AG
Tel. +41 44 786 77 70
Fälmisstrasse 21
Fax +41 44 786 77 71
CH-8833 Samstagern
140288 BA (A)LG 500-0343187_110680 (A)LG 500_0343187 13.02.14 15:58 Seite 7