Checks for electrical problems
While turning ignition switch to its first position, listen for the fuel solenoid on the
carburetor to click. It must click to supply fuel to the carburetor.
Try a new spark plug.
Check for spark at plug when it is removed and the threaded end is grounded.
Unplug the six-position socket that connects engine wiring to mower wiring harness.
Engine will still crank. If plug doesn’t have a spark now, ignition module is probably
Checks for mechanical problems
Make sure the tank gas valve is turned on.
Remove air filter element to check for signs of gas in the throat of the carburetor.
If no gas, check to see if choke is working properly.
If all above checks show positive, carburetor must have an internal problem. Remove and
clean the carburetor.
Orange is not used in this application
Red wire comes from engine’s alternator through a
diode to convert the voltage from AC to DC. A simple
test to check its output is to measure the voltage of the
battery before the engine is started. Now start the
engine, the voltage should rise about 1 volt when the
engine starts. This voltage will slowly drop back to
normal voltage as the battery becomes fully charged.
Gray wire goes to the fuel solenoid.
Black wire comes from the ignition
switch and goes to the ignition module
to shut engine off.
charge wire
on the
Used on the RTB14544