Assembly Instructions
tubE aSSEMbly
Position the 90 section to the entrance section so
the seams line up. Rotate the section two holes
to the right (clockwise) and realign with the holes
of the entrance section (see Fig. 7).
Insert a 3/4" bolt through a washer, through the
holes of slide sections, a second washer and
secure with a loc nut.
notE: insert first bolt and continue in a
clockwise rotation. do not skip holes. Hand
tighten the loc nuts only at this time.
Position the 90 section to the previously attached
section so the seams line up. Rotate the section
two holes to the left (counterclockwise) and
realign with the holes of the entrance section
(Fig. 8).
Insert a 3/4" bolt through a washer, through the
slide sections, a second washer and secure with
a loc nut.
Hand tighten the loc nuts only
at this time.
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Rotate seam
two holes to
the right
Rotate seam two
holes to the left