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If you want to estimate the safe distance, use this equation
𝒕𝒂𝒏(𝟐𝟎°) 𝒙 𝑯𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
calculate. (Height is the height of the aircraft, which can be obtained from the remote
controller or the App)
Strobe Light
The top of the aircraft is equipped with high-intensity strobe light,
which helps identify the drone's position to the pilot and other air
traffic. This meets the requirements of night flight regulations in
some countries and helps ensure flight safety at night. The
strobe can be activated and deactivated in the App (STB).
Waterproof Barometric Membrane
The waterproof barometric membrane is SwellPro's featured technology. It allows air to
pass through the internal chamber of the aircraft to ensure the barometer's proper
functioning yet keeps the water from getting in to ensure the SplashDrone 4's all
waterproof design. The waterproof barometric membrane is delicate yet an extremely
important part for proper flying and waterproofing. Therefore, you should pay special
attention to the proper use of waterproof barometric membrane during your operation.
Always check the waterproof barometric membrane to ensure no damage being
observed before flying.
Rinse the waterproof barometric membrane thoroughly with freshwater every time
after flying.
If you constantly fly your drone in the saltwater environment (sea), it is
recommended to change the waterproof barometric membrane once every 2
months, since the salt particles can clog the tiny holes on the membrane.
If the aircraft is not flying stably during hovering, or the aircraft is not flying normally
during ascend or descend, the waterproof barometric membrane might be damage.
Please take off the top barometric membrane cover and replace the waterproof
barometric membrane.
If the waterproof barometric membrane is damaged or shows signs of wear and tear,
replacement of the waterproof barometric membrane is required. To replace the
waterproof barometric membrane:
Take out the top cover.
Peel off the old waterproof barometric membrane. Clean the surface barometric
vent and make sure there is no residue on the surface.
Remove the 3M paper from the waterproof barometric membrane and press it
firmly on the barometric vent to ensure a tight seal.