Configuration: Network: DDNS
Prior to developing our SwannView Link P2P technology, our SwannDNS service was
used to connect to your DVR remotely. This service is still active and we recommend
creating an account as a means of backup.
For now, ignore the “Current State: ERROR” message that appears. This will change
when the DVR has confirmed your account details.
To create an account with SwannDNS, go to (www.swanndvr.com) and click the “Reg-
istration” button. Follow the prompts to create your account.
Enable DDNS (check box):
Click this to enable.
DDNS Type:
SwannDNS is automatically selected.
Device Domain Name:
Enter the domain name that is hosted on your account. For
example, username.swanndvr.net.
User Name:
Enter the username (host name) for your account.
Enter the password for your account.
Click the “Test” button to confirm your account details. After a short moment, the cur-
rent state message will display “OK”.
Don’t forget to click “Apply” to save settings.