6 | SmithsEP.co.uk | Issue 002 - November 2022
Issue 002 - November 2022 | SmithsEP.co.uk | 7
Electrical installation
The electrical installation and connection to power supply must be done in compliance with the existing regulations and standards for
building industry.
The fan’s engine is equipped with the internal temperature limit fuse protecting the engine from its overheating.
The unit set does not consist of: a feeding cable, a master switch (see diagram)
The electrical installation must be done by an authorised person, acquainted with the Manual. The connection of the feeding cable and
master switch must be done in compliance with electrical diagram (with or without the automatic control, depending on the option
chosen). Any and all damages incurred as a result of the aforementioned causes are not provided with the Guarantee and the user will
be charged with any costs of the device exchange. The connection of the automatic control should be carried out in accordance with
the electrical diagram.
In case of any doubts or problems, unplug the device and contact the device’s installer or Smith’s Authorised Service.
Water installation
The installation of the unit should be done in a way enabling maintenance service; on both stub pipes manual closing valves should
be installed in order to cut off the device. Feeding cables of the heater shall be connected in accordance with the symbols/marking on
the casing (inlet/outlet). In case of electromagnetic valve (with the option of the automatic control) it should be installed on the outlet
as it may be damaged otherwise. When the pipework is being connected to the exchanger, secure the connections of the heater from
oscillating torque (see figure) that may cause leakage in the exchanger.
Heating medium
The connector pipes are at the back of the device.
When connecting the hydraulic pipes/connections, make sure you
secure the connector pipes against rotational torque.
Notice that the connector pipes are not strained by the pipes.
The valve of heating medium is on the supply pipe and the vent is
on the return pipe.
Use flexible connections to allow the heater to be turned to the
sides. Depending on the flexible connections, the maximum turn
is 70° - for Solano Eco MAX, 78° - for Solano Eco 1, 2 and 3 to
both sides. Figure shows maximum angle to one side and 50° to
the other with minimal distance left for connections.
The electrical installation and connection to power supply must be done in compliance with the existing regulations and stand-
ards for building industry.
The fan’s engine is equipped with the internal temperature limit fuse protecting the engine from its overheating.
The unit set does not consist of: a feeding cable, a master switch (see diagram)
The electrical installation must be done by an authorized person, acquainted with the Manual. The connection of the feeding
cable and master switch must be done in compliance with electrical diagram (with or without the automatic control, depending
on the option chosen). Any and all damages incurred as a result of the aforementioned causes are not provided with the Guar-
antee and the user will be charged with any costs of the device exchange. The connection of the automatic control should be
carried out in accordance with the electrical diagram.
In case of any doubts or problems, unplug the device and contact the device’s installer or SONNIGER Authorized Service.
The installation of the unit should be done in a way enabling maintenance service; on both stub pipes manual closing valves
should be installed in order to cut off the device. Feeding cables of the heater shall be connected in accordance with the sym-
bols/marking on the casing (inlet/outlet). In case of electromagnetic valve (with the option of the automatic control) it should
be installed on the outlet as it may be damaged otherwise. When the pipework is being connected to the exchanger, secure the
connections of the heater from oscillating torque (see figure) that may cause leakage in the exchanger.
The connector pipes are at the back of the
device. When connecting the hydraulic
pipes/connections, make sure you secure the
connector pipes against rotational torque.
Notice that the connector pipes are not
strained by the pipes. The valve of heating
medium is on the supply pipe and the vent is
on the return pipe.
Use flexible connections to allow the heater to
be turned to the sides. Depending on the
flexible connections, the maximum turn
is 70° - for HEATER CONDENS MAX,
78° - for HEATER CONDENS CR1, CR2, CR3,
68° - for HEATER CONDENS ONE , to both
sides. Figure shows maximum angle to one
side and 50° to the other with minimal dis-
tance left for connections.
The electrical installation and connection to power supply must be done in compliance with the existing regulations and stand-
ards for building industry.
The fan’s engine is equipped with the internal temperature limit fuse protecting the engine from its overheating.
The unit set does not consist of: a feeding cable, a master switch (see diagram)
The electrical installation must be done by an authorized person, acquainted with the Manual. The connection of the feeding
cable and master switch must be done in compliance with electrical diagram (with or without the automatic control, depending
on the option chosen). Any and all damages incurred as a result of the aforementioned causes are not provided with the Guar-
antee and the user will be charged with any costs of the device exchange. The connection of the automatic control should be
carried out in accordance with the electrical diagram.
In case of any doubts or problems, unplug the device and contact the device’s installer or SONNIGER Authorized Service.
The installation of the unit should be done in a way enabling maintenance service; on both stub pipes manual closing valves
should be installed in order to cut off the device. Feeding cables of the heater shall be connected in accordance with the sym-
bols/marking on the casing (inlet/outlet). In case of electromagnetic valve (with the option of the automatic control) it should
be installed on the outlet as it may be damaged otherwise. When the pipework is being connected to the exchanger, secure the
connections of the heater from oscillating torque (see figure) that may cause leakage in the exchanger.
The connector pipes are at the back of the
device. When connecting the hydraulic
pipes/connections, make sure you secure the
connector pipes against rotational torque.
Notice that the connector pipes are not
strained by the pipes. The valve of heating
medium is on the supply pipe and the vent is
on the return pipe.
Use flexible connections to allow the heater to
be turned to the sides. Depending on the
flexible connections, the maximum turn
is 70° - for HEATER CONDENS MAX,
78° - for HEATER CONDENS CR1, CR2, CR3,
68° - for HEATER CONDENS ONE , to both
sides. Figure shows maximum angle to one
side and 50° to the other with minimal dis-
tance left for connections.
Automatic control - installation
A set of automatic control may be used (powered 230V) that consists of the following:
• COMFORT panel - including room thermostat and switch for regulation of 3 speeds of fan. One COMFORT panel may regulate up to
3 pcs of Solano Eco 1, 2 and 3 units or 2 pcs of Solano Eco MAX
• 2-way water valve with actuator; valve should be installed on a return stub of the heater
• INTELLIGENT electronic control panel with an automatic speed controller, weekly program and BMS communication.
One INTELLIGENT panel may regulate up to 2 pcs of Solano Eco units or for single Solano Eco MAX
• Splitter MULTI 6 - control up to 6 pcs of Solano Eco, Solano Eco MAX units from one COMFORT or INTELLIGENT Panel
The system is ready to start once the connections between the thermostat and the valve actuator are done, 230V power is supplied to
the thermostat and the fan’s motor is powered by the revs controller.
COMFORT panel description
- turning ON/OFF a unit
- switch for fan speed regulation
- thermostat sends signal for valve and actuator and fan, fan turns off when temperature in
room is achieved, valve/actuator closes water supply.
- function not active, unit will not operate when FAN switch is selected
- thermostat sends signal only to fan and to the servo of the valve, fan begins operation
starting from temperature which is set on thermostat (function used to air mixer Solano MIX or for
room ventilation in summer season)
First start
Do all the connections (electrical, water and automatic control), check for tightness of all connections done by an installer and
air-release/vent the device then start the device in the following sequence:
1. Switch on the mains,
2. Set requested speed of fan on revs controller,
3. Set requested temperature on thermostat,
The fan operates continuously irrespective of whether the heater’s valve is opened or not.
Turning off
To switch the device off do the following:
1. Set minimum temperature on thermostat - after 7 seconds valve will be closed and heating switched off.
2. Set main switch to the “0” position (off); fan will be switched off and the thermostat will be off the power.
The engine and fan used in Solano Eco and Eco MAX units are maintenance-free devices but regular check-ups are advised, especially
motor and bearing (fan’s rotor should rotate freely, free from any axial and radial throws and undesired knocks/rattles).
• In case of any metallic knocks, vibration or increase in sound level check if the fan mounting/fixing does not work loose contact
the installer or Smith’s Authorised Service
The heat exchanger requires systematical cleaning all with all dirt/impurities cleaned off. Before the start of the heating period the heat
ex-changer is advised to be cleaned with compressed air directed to the air outlets; there is no need for dismantling of the device. Pay
special attention when cleaning the exchanger’s fin due to high possibility of damaging them. If fins are bent use a tool specifically
designated to carry out such repairs. If the device has not been used for a longer period of time, unplug it before the next use.
The heat exchanger is not equipped with any frost protection device. The heat exchanger may be damaged if the room temperature
goes below 0°C.
Anti-freeze liquid must be added to the water circulation/system. Anti-freeze liquid must be appropriate for the material the exchanger
is made of (copper) as well as other elements of the hydraulic system. The liquid must be diluted with water according to the solution
recommended by the anti-freeze manufacturer.
G 3/4” Eco 1, 2 & 3
G 3/4” Eco MAX 1,
2 & 3
G 3/4” Eco 1, 2 & 3
G 3/4” Eco MAX 1,
2 & 3
X = 78° Eco 1, 2 & 3
X = 70° Eco MAX
1, 2 & 3