A-96.250.321 / 191015
AMI Solicon4
Adjust the deltaT sensor
The deltaT flow sensor is factory calibrated at 20 °C (± 20 % accu-
The accuracy of the flow measurement depends on the ambient
temperature of the location where the deltaT sensor is installed. If
the ambient temperature is higher or lower than 20 °C, the deltaT
flow sensor can be adjusted. If an adjustment of the deltaT sensor
is necessary proceed as follows:
Run in
After installation let the sensor run-in for at least 1h.
Determine the
flow rate
Put the sample outlet of the instrument for 10 min. into a mea-
suring cup with a sufficient volume.
To get the flow rate in l/h, multiply the amount of water con-
tained in the measuring cup with factor 6.
The flow rate in l/h results from the multiplication of the
amount of water after 10 min by 6.
Adjust slope
Navigate to <Installation/Sensors/Flow>, choose <Slope> and
press [Enter].
If the calculated flow rate is higher than the displayed flow rate
increase the Slope value.
If the calculated flow rate is lower than the displayed flow rate
decrease the Slope value.
Press [Exit] and save with [Enter].
Compare the calculated flow rate with the displayed flow rate.
If the flow rates are roughly equal, the adjustment is finished.
Else repeat step 1 to 5.