Playing recorded video on your PC:
1. Pop the CD into the CD/DVD ROM drive of your PC:
Grab the CD out of the pack and
place it carefully into the CD tray of your PC or Laptop
2. Install the software:
Open the CD drive on your PC (Start > Computer > DVD RW Drive or
similar) and double click on the file Sec24 Media Player, wait for the installation to finish.
3. Run the Sec24 Software.
Depending on which version of Microsoft Windows you use
the location will vary, but on Windows 7, Start > All Programs > Sec24 Media Player >
Sec24 Media Player
The player interface
Playback: Play video on a PC
1 2 3 4 5
1. Play
2. Pause
3. Stop
4. Previous Recording
5. Next Recording
6. Load Recording
7. Select playback channel/s
8. Time slider
To Load a video from your ADW-340, remove the MicroSD card and fit it to an appropriate
card reader then connect that to your PC/Laptop.
Run the Sec24 software as shown earlier and then click
) and navigate to the
able Disk
in the explorer window (the actual name may vary depending on your computer
and its settings). You will see the folder
, then the folder named for the date in YYYYM-
MDD format (for example 20130623) and then the hour (e.g. 09 Clock) and inside here are the
recordings for that hour. If there are multiple files in the folder, unless you know the specific
time just choose the first file as you can then use the skip forward (
) and skip backward (
buttons to navigate through the recordings. Click on the file to choose it then click
to open the file and begin playback. If you wish to give recordings to another person or the
Police, please make sure you also give them the Sec24 playback software as well so they
can play back your recordings. If you are playing back a recording and only want to view
one channel, click
and you can use the Channel select option (
) to untick all but one
of the channels, leaving only the one you want to see. Now that one channel will playback
taking up the whole playback window. You can then click
again and the single channel
will play as normal.
You can only select which channels to playback when the video is paused!
The playback interface showing 4
channel (Quad) playback. The soft-
ware works much like a VCR with
buttons to control the playback and
the ability to drag the time slider to
any section of the recording.