SV 307 User Guide
Noise limits are typically expressed in number of decibels per hour, day-time or
per night-time. In practise this means that different alarms and notifications to
different recipients are needed in the day-time or night-time or within a selected
time range.
Threshold Alarms
As part of the Automatic File Download function SvanNET can analyse the down-
loaded data to send SMS or email alarms based on different time periods and noise
levels. If needed,
more advanced alarm triggers
, such as 1/3 octave spectrum or
predicted LEQ can be also used. The configuration of threshold alarms is accessible
from Automatic Download Alarms:
Status Alarms
One of the most important functions of SvanNET is to monitor the status of con-
nected monitoring stations. In the case of any error in powering, data storage, sys-
tem check or clock offset SvanNET can trigger an alarm email. The configuration
of Status alarms ins available in the Status tab in SvanNET Projects.
SvanNET Projects is an optional payable extension to the basic service offering
fully automated management of multi-point noise and vibration monitoring tasks.
Tools such as Automatic File Download, Regular Data Storage, Advanced Alarms,
Data Sharing and Reporting enable simple unattended monitoring. The function-
ality of SvanNET Projects allows grouping multiple monitoring stations so that
alarms and reports are defined for each project separately. The data files are also
grouped automatically in the cloud in accordance with their Project assignments.
To create a project go to SvanNET via SvanNET app, open Project List / New Project:
SvanNET Projects
Automatic Download
Once a project is created then data from an SV 307 can be automatically down-
loaded to the SvanNET servers with the Automatic File Download (AFD) function.
AFD ensures that data has been safely downloaded and shared before clearing the
memory in the remote SV 307 on site to maintain maximum storage space.