SV 307
Noise Monitoring Station
SV 307 User Guide
The SV 307 is an integrated Noise Monitoring
Station which means that the sound level meter
has been integrated with a 3G modem and outdoor
enclosure. The waterproof power supply is also
provided for continuous operation in the field. Each
SV 307 has its factory calibration certificate and
36-months warranty card.
The key part of the class 1 kit is the new MEMS
microphone with a lifetime warranty.
What's inside?
The SV 307 is a new Noise Monitoring Station
dedicated for permanent noise monitoring.
The compact waterproof housing of the SV 307
integrates: a class 1 data logging sound level meter,
patented acoustic system check, GPS module and a
wireless 3G modem.
Wireless communication, external powering and
control of the SV 307 is managed by the SvanNET
cloud service. SvanNET is an on-line solution with
a responsive design that is available on various
devices such as smartphones, tablets and any
standard PC using a web browser.
All in One
The SV 307 is capable of l
ogging sum-
mary results (SR)
and spectral data
with interval steps down to 1 second.
time history results (TH)
to 100 milliseconds.
Summary results (SR) include LEQ,
PEAK, MAX, MIN with Slow, Fast, Im-
pulse time constants simultaneously.
Additionally SV 307 stores two rolling
LEQ, ten LN statistics and GPS coordi-
nates. If enabled, the summary results
also contain
weather data
such as wind speed and direction or
TH results offer fast saving of PEAK,
If used, the 1/1 or 1/3 octave spectral
results are recorded in both SR and TH
results simultaneously.
Fundamental issues of the environmental noise monitoring application are:
measured indicators, powering, remote system check, remote communi-
cation and alarms.
Key issues of noise monitoring
What do we measure?
Use of 2 logging steps
Environmental noise measurements often use longer term ISO 1996-1 indicators
such as Lday and Lnight for compliance reporting and short term LEQ for
monitoring and alarm notification, e.g. based on 5 min results. With
separate logging steps
the SV 307 is capable of providing the required results
for both requirements simultaneously.