When setting your steps goal, you define the total number of steps for the day.
The total calories you burn per day is based on two factors: your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
and your physical activity.
Your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns while at rest. These are the calories your
body needs to stay warm and perform basic function like blink your eyes or beat your heart.
This number is based on your personal profile, including factors such as age and gender.
When you set a calorie goal, you define how many calories you want to burn in addition to
your BMR. These are your so-called active calories. The ring around the activity display
advances according to how many active calories you burn during the day compared to your
6.5. Training
Your watch provides an overview of your training activity.
From watch face, swipe left or press the middle button to scroll to the training widget.
In the training widget you can see a summary of your current training week. The summary
includes the total duration and an overview of which days you have exercised. The total
duration is compared with your weekly goal. The weekly goal can be changed from the
settings under Training.
6.6. Fitness level
Good aerobic fitness is important for your overall health, well-being and sports performance.
Your aerobic fitness level is defined as VO₂max (maximal oxygen consumption), a widely
recognized measure of aerobic endurance capacity. In other words, VO₂max shows how well
your body can use oxygen. The higher your VO₂max, the better you can use oxygen.
The estimation of your fitness level is based on detecting your heart rate response during
each recorded running or walking workout. To get your fitness level estimated, record a run or
walk with a duration for at least 15 minutes while wearing your Suunto 9 Peak Pro.
Your watch is able to provide an estimation of your fitness level for all running and walking
Your current estimated fitness level is shown in the fitness level widget. Swipe left from the
watch face or press the middle button to scroll to the fitness level widget.
Suunto 9 Peak Pro