7 Determining the installation point
Determining the installation point
In order to maintain the accuracy stated in the technical data, the
sensor must be insert in the center of a straight pipe section with
unhindered flow characteristics.
Unhindered flow characteristics are achieved if the section in front of the
sensor (inlet) and behind the sensor (outlet) are sufficiently long,
absolutely straight and free of obstructions such as edges, seams,
curves etc..
Please consider that enough space exists at your site for an adequate
installation as described in this manual.
Wrong measurement is possible, if the sensor is not
installed correctly.
Careful attention must be paid to the design of the inlet and outlet
section. Obstructions can cause counter-flow turbulence as well as
turbulence in the direction of the flow.
The sensor is for indoor use only! At an outdoor installation, the
sensor must be protected from solar radiation and rain.
It is strongly recommend not to install S401 permanently in wet
environment as it exists usually right after a compressor outlet.