EonServ 5000 Series
Follow the path to load the driver: Flash drive >
Intel_RSTe_and_AHCI_Drivers_GUI_CLI_CIM_4.3.0.1223 > Drivers > x64 >
Win8_10_2K8R2_2K12 > AHCI.
The RAID volume is displayed on the list. Select the partition that you want to install the OS,
then restart the OS manually after it has been installed to boot up EonServ 5000 in a mode
that can communicate with the internal storage array. You must set up the OS drive as the
first boot device upon reboot. See section
Installing the system driver, Infortrend Virtual RAID driver, and management
After the operating system is installed, you can now install the drivers required by the
operating system and the hardware components, including the internal storage array. You
can download the related drivers and software from
Install the system drivers
For Windows: The system drivers include Intel chipset, LAN, VGA, and USB which
you can obtain and install from website or EonServ installation disc.
For Linux: Use the software update feature of your Linux operating system to
install the latest drivers.
Install Intel Virtual RAID drivers
After the system drivers are installed, you can now install the RAID driver that allows
you to access and manage the storage array of EonServ.
For Windows: Obtain and install Intel Virtual RAID driver from website or EonServ
installation disc.
For Linux:
On the EonServ’s installation disc, search for the following files:
Execute the sudo sh ift_driver_install.sh I command, where the "i" in the
name means "install":