Surveon Network Camera User Manual
Surveon CAM6160/6180
Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings allow changes to the following parameters:
Flickerless - Reduces flickering caused by the difference in frequency
of the system and the environment lighting.
In certain situations, the sensor may experience banding. In these
cases, please turn on the flickerless feature, and raise brightness.
Shutter Mode - Sets the camera shutter mode. Longer shutter times
allow more light into the sensor, resulting in a cleaner picture,
however longer shutter times can result in motion blur.
Auto - The camera will automatically change the shutter speed
to adjust to the lighting conditions.
Max Shutter Speed - Used in conjunction with Auto
shutter mode, determines the maximum shutter speed
allowed. Options are: Slowest, Slow, Normal, Fast.
Manual - This setting allows users to specify a shutter speed.
Shutter Speed - The user may choose the following
shutter speeds: 1/60s, 1/120s, 1/250s, 1/500s, 1/1000s,
1/2000s, 1/5000s, and 1/10000s.
Day/Night Mode - Sets the day (color) and night (black and white, IR
cut filter off where applicable.) Night mode sacrifices color
information to produce a clear picture with less light.
Day mode - Forces day mode.
Night mode - Forces night mode.
Click OK to save or Cancel to abort the changes before you leave the page.