Surveon CAM6160/6180
Camera settings may be changed by clicking on the Settings link located in
the title bar. This will bring up a menu list of configuration menus for all
major camera settings.
General setting menus are found under Settings> General.
Basic Settings
Basic settings may be accessed under General> Basic Settings. The following
settings can be made:
Host Name: by default set to "model name + MAC address"; displays
on the center of the main page. Users may replace the default name
with a new name consisting of alphanumeric characters, spaces and
the ":" character.
Camera Name: by default set to "S model name"; after
selecting Camera Name” from Settings> Video & Audio> Basic
Settings, the Camera Name will show on the display. Users may
replace the default name with a new name consisting of alphanumeric
characters, spaces and the ":" character.
Power/Ethernet LED: turns on or off the power and Ethernet LEDs
indicator on the rear of the camera.