Delayline Detector DLD6060-8S Manual
Delayline Detector DLD6060-8S Manual | Surface Concept GmbH
2.3 General Overview of the System
The Surface Concept Delayline Detectors are particularly developed for the needs of 1D(x), 2D(x,t), 2D(x,y)
or 3D(x,y,t) area and time detection of electrons, ions, x-ray and UV-light.
The layout of the DLD6060-8S detector has been specially designed for the detection of multi hit events
with the PHOIBOS 150/225 Analyzer. For the PHOIBOS Analyzer Series, the standard Channeltron Detector,
the CCD Imaging Detector, and the Delayline Detector can be used without any physical modification to
the analyzer (“plug and play”).
The DLD6060-8S consists of a chevron microchannel plate stack and different layers of segmented meander
structured delaylines. The image is sampled by the DLD readout electronics. The 3D (x, y, t) detection bases
on the measurement of time differences and time sums of signals, with a high temporal resolution in one
device. The count rate can reach several MHz in the commonly used 4-fold coincidence measurement.
Typical applications for a Delayline Detector are for example: Fermi surface mapping, band mapping,
photoelectron diffraction measurements, and similar angular dispersion experiments as well as XPS, UPS,
ESCA and AES and time resolved stroboscopic experiments.