Super X12DPG-QR User's Manual
Driver Health
This feature displays the following health information of all drivers as detected by the BIOS:
Intel® 10Gbe Driver 4.9.10 x64: Healthy
Controller 62B47F18 Child 0: Heathy
Intel® Ethernet Controller 10 Gigabit X540-AT2: Healthy
Controller 62B51818 Child 0: Heathy
Intel® Ethernet Controller 10 Gigabit X540-AT2: Healthy
BROADCOM EFI SAS Driver: Healthy
SAS 3908: Heathy
Mellanox ConnectX Driver: Healthy
Controller 62B74618 Child 0: Heathy
Controller 62B74618 61060218: Heathy
The Driver Health information shown in this section is for illustration only; it is
unique based on the drivers that are installed in your system and are detected by the