900004-00, 03/2017
Innovative Hearth Products
DRT2000 and DRC2000 Direct-Vent Fireplaces
Do NOT wire more than one valve to the burner control switch. This will help prevent excessive resistance in
the burner circuit, that can cause burner operation problems.
Electronic Fireplaces
Detailed lighting instructions are found on
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. Also, electronic fi replace lighting instructions are found
on the pull-out lighting instructions attached to the gas control valve.
If the electronic fi replace is equipped with an optional remote wall switch or remote control, the fi replace main
burner can be turned ON/OFF with the wall switch or remote control.
If the electronic fi replace is not equipped with a wall switch or remote control, the main burner must be turned ON/
OFF with a gas control switch installed separately. Contact the installer for more information. Check the batteries, if
installed, at least every three (3) months to ensure they are properly charged.
To light the fi replace in a power outage:
Confi rm that batteries are installed in the battery pack.
Set the unit-mounted switch, or wall switch to the ON Position.
The unit should spark at the pilot and light.
If there is no spark, replace the batteries.
Operate the fi replace normally.
Installing the Backup Batteries
With a battery backup, electronic fi replaces can automatically switch to battery power. In the event of a power outage, this
allows ON/OFF operation (without blower functionality). Install new batteries before every burn season.
Open the control compartment
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, and locate the battery holder.
Install four (4) AA batteries in the battery holder.
Close the control compartment door.
Continuous Pilot Ignition Switch
Fireplaces with an electronic gas valve have a continuous pilot ignition (CPI) switch installed in the control
This switch allows the pilot to be switched from intermittent mode to continuous mode:
Intermittent Mode—The pilot is extinguished when the fi replace is OFF.
Continuous Mode—The pilot stays ON when the fi replace is OFF.
In periods of extreme cold, condensation may form on the glass door when the fi replace is OFF and the pilot is in
intermittent mode. Also, with the pilot in intermittent mode, the fi replace may
cycle startup
(i.e., the pilot and burner ignite,
but the burner extinguishes and reignites several times until the fl ue reaches the temperature for proper drafting).
To save energy—switch to intermittent mode.
For a standing pilot that will help prevent glass door condensation and cycle startup—switch to continuous mode.
Continuous mode is indicated by a pilot that comes ON and remains lit when the fi replace is OFF.
Traditional Only: Installing the Firebox Liners
Remove the three (3) fi rebox liner panels from the packing materials.
Carefully position the rear panel, upper edge fi rst, in the fi rebox against the rear wall.
While holding the rear panel, carefully position the left side panel in the fi rebox.
Carefully position the right side panel in the fi rebox.
Do not force the panels. Excessive force may cause breakage. If the panels are correctly positioned, they
will fi t snugly in place.
Contemporary Only: Installing the Glass Media
Install the glass media in the recessed area between the front and rear fl oors.
35” fi replaces require less than a full bag of glass media. 40” fi replaces require an entire bag of media.
Spread the glass media in a thin layer, evenly over the burner and pilot.
Do NOT mound the media.
It is important to ensure proper media placement per the manual when installing these units. Verify pilot
fl ame is not obstructed. See Verifying Appliance Operation on
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