Ideas on how to profit from AccuTrak
Whether you’re a contractor, service company, or maintaining your own
company’s facility, there are ways to pr
ofit from spending only a few minutes
using AccuTrak.
AccuTrak is a proactive approach to maintenance and adds significant value to
the services you offer. In facilities maintenance, the problems you identify and
correct can eliminate costly downtime, thus contributing to bottom line profits.
Tag the most vital equipment, and log the ultrasonic readings you take for future
comparison. Create a report card to track system health.
As a service company it is worth while to show this information to your
customers. Letting them know what is going on will help build your reputation,
credibility, and make you more profits in the process. Maintenance agreements
are much easier to sell when they include AccuTrak testing. More scheduled
repairs and less emergency repairs keeps business under control, as well as
your clients temper.
Here are a few ideas...
A down motor in a fume exhaust system can cause a line down situation.
Using AccuTrak identifies this wear and allows you to schedule the repair
BEFORE this happens.
A significant increase in compressor noise indicates looseness, wear or other
serious problems. AccuTrak helps prevent vibration caused leaks.
Steam is costly to produce, keeping the steam in the system by monitoring
steam traps and valves has proven to have saved thousands of dollars in
energy costs, even 100’s of thousands in large industrial plants!
Waterhammer is caused by steam traps stuck in the closed position. This
annoying, and potentially dangerous condition can be avoided by periodic
tests with AccuTrak. Estimate the costs of the losses you identify and report
them to management, or system owners.
Monitoring control valves, check valves, expansion valves, etc., ensures the
system is running smoothly. If you suspect an internal valve leak, use
AccuTrak to confirm it, rather than disassembling the valve for visual
With the rising costs of refrigerants and the risk of EPA violations, it is more
important than ever to locate and repair refrigerant leaks, and AccuTrak is
one of the most effective ways to find leaks fast!
Contrary to some opinion air is not free. When using air in pneumatic
systems a leak can become quite costly. AccuTrak is one of the most
effective ways to locate leaks in air systems. Eliminating air leaks can save
the life of a compressor, and significantly reduce power costs.