Set up the wheel on PC
Turn on the PC.
Plug the eable of the pedals into the steering wheel.
Conneet the USB eable of the wheel to any of the USB ports of the PC. A Windows utility
starts automatieally to install the deviee. At the end of that operation, the red LEO remains on,
the wheel is now ready to use.
IMPORTANT: The steering wheel uses the X-lnput protoeol by default, so it is eompatible with the
latest games. Some older games use the Oireet lnput protoeol. To switeh to Oireet lnput made,
press and hold the Home/Made button for 3 seeonds, the LEO will flash onee to indicate the
ehange. This made will then be used by default.
You ean switeh from one made to another at any time by holding down the Home/Made button
for 3 seeonds.
To set up the wheel in Oireet lnput made, install the driver provided on the CO-Rom before
eonneeting the wheel to the PC.
Set up the wheel on SWITCH
IMPORTANT: Before plugging the eontroller, turn on the eonsole and go to System Settings /
Controllers and Sensors / Pro Controller Wired Communication. Cheek that On is seleeted.
Make sure that the SWITCH is turned off.
Plug the wheel eable intoa USB port from the eonsole.
Plug the eable of the pedals into the steering wheel.
Turn on the eonsole.
The red LEO of the wheel stays lit, the steering wheel is now ready to use.
Set up the wheel on PS3
Make sure that the PS3 is turned off.
Plug the wheel eable intoa USB port from the eonsole.
Plug the eable of the pedals into the steering wheel.
Turn on the eonsole.
Press the HOME button of the wheel to aetivate the eonneetion.
The red LEO of the wheel stays lit, the steering wheel is now ready to use.
5. Programming function
You ean now play GRAN TURISMO or any other racing games that use the default button
eonfiguration. For other games, you have 2 options to make the right button eonfiguration:
You ean either go to the Options/Controllers menu ln the game and ereate your own
eonfiguration. The advantage is that you ean save it for later gaming sessions.
IMPORTANT: The ORIVING WHEEL SV 200 is identified as a "game eontroller" in the
eommands menu of the games. lf you wish to modify the button eonfiguration in the game, go
to the "game eontroller" seetion, not to the "steering wheel" seetion.
You ean aisa use the programming funetion "on-the-go" of the ORIVING WHEEL SV 200. lt
enables you to ereate the eonfiguration you want without going in the Options menu of the
game, but that eonfiguration will not be saved.
This wheel has a built-in program funetion: you ean assign a new funetion to some buttons to
make your own driving eomfort and experienee.