1. Take time to assess situation and thoroughly plan pull.
2. Set Free Spooling Clutch to “DISENGAGED” position.
3. Pull Synthetic Rope and attach to vehicle to be winched. Wear gloves and use Hand
4. Secure Clevis Hook to anchor point: Sling, chain or snatch block. Do not attach Clevis
Hook back onto Synthetic Rope.
5. Set Free Spooling Clutch to “HIGH SPEED” or “NORMAL SPEED” position.
6. Start vehicle engine so that battery is being charged while winching.
7. Slowly winch in Synthetic Rope just enough to take up slack.
8. Inspect Synthetic Rope. Make sure there are minimum 5 wraps of Synthetic Rope
around Winch Drum.
9. To absorb energy in event of Synthetic Rope failure, place a blanket or jacket over
Synthetic Rope approximately 5ft - 6ft from Clevis Hook. Open vehicle hood for more
10. Clear area. Make sure all spectators are away and that no one is directly in front,
behind vehicle, or anchor point.
11. Vehicle to be winched should be placed in neutral and emergency brake released.
Only release brake pedal when Synthetic Rope is under full tension.
12. While standing aside and clear of tow path, use remote to control winching. If required,
wait until Motor stops before reversing direction.
- Be sure Synthetic Rope is winding evenly and tightly around Winch Drum.
- Vehicle being winched can be slowly driven to add assistance to winching.
- Avoid shock loads; keep Synthetic Rope under tension. This can damage components
and vehicles.
13. Winch is meant for intermittent use. Under full load with a single line rig do not power
“in” for more than (1) minute without letting Motor cool down for a few minutes before
resuming winching.
14. Once vehicle is on stable ground, set brakes and place vehicle in park. Winching
operation is complete.
15. Set Free Spooling Clutch to “DISENGAGED” to release tension on Synthetic Rope.
Winch is not meant to hold loads for long periods of time.
16. Disconnect Synthetic Rope from vehicle or anchor.
18. Set Free Spooling Clutch to “HIGH SPEED” position and rewind Synthetic Rope.
Keep hands clear of Winch Drum and components.
Any material already on Winch
Drum should be spooled tightly and neatly. Draw out and re-spool if necessary.
19. Secure Hook Strap and Clevis Hook. Disconnect Wired Remote if applicable.
- Always leave minimum of (5) turns of Synthetic Rope on Winch
Drum. Review “Safety Warnings” section of manual before continuing.