2.1 Basic Connection
Mobile Video Surveillance Solution
This is the mobile DVR, our video surveillance device for durable use in the vehicle. It's a
multipurpose, multi-source, multi-media device for monitoring your vehicle, pinpointing its
route and location, and recording and playing vital incidents related to it, in the interests of
vehicle security and welfare.
The mobile DVR provides advanced text insertion technology that is compatible with
mobile black boxes which record all the relevant details of driving. For example, all
information regarding the driving speed, engine RPM, wheel turning angles, driving time
periods, brakings, signal lights, and the GPS position can be retrieved from the black box
system. The data can be stored, recorded and transferred to a computer or to the mobile
DVR directly for data storage and retrieval to ensure a car fleet’s and/ or individual driver’s
quality performance.
The mobile DVR is compatible with the stand-alone GPS receiver, and it can also
configure and record a driver’s location (latitude and longitude) with video data. Besides, it
can playback video by our HDD viewer software, which can track a driven route using all
GIS/e-Map software.