SUPAIR manufactures its products in Europe. The majority of the components used
come from Europe.
The ACRO BASE System is the latest creation borne out of the new cooperation be-
tween SUPAIR and Raul Rodriguez/ACROWINGS. The entire system integration was
put together by Jean-Noel Itzstein from ADRENALIN BASE.
The ACRO BASE System is a significant added new safety feature enabling you to
maximize your aerobatic routine with better better peace of mind.
After reading this manual, we suggest you check your harness by hanging in it
before flying.
N.B : Three important icons will help you when reading this manual
Caution !
Danger !!
However, the ACRO BASE SYSTEM is a complex product demanding from its user a
full manual understanding : any setup mistake
Therefore, we stress that a thorough comprehensive reading of the owner’s manual
must be done. If in doubt about any part of its content, please contact aSUP’AIR re-
tailer or SUP’AIR itself for answers at [email protected]