80-0084-00-RevB SunTech Vet30E User Manual | 31
When the Vet Data Capture application opens, select a Vet30E for pairing. Identify the Vet30E using the last
four digits of the serial number, found on the bottom of the device.
Continue to Section 6.4 for Data Transfer
: If the device is unable to connect within 90 seconds, a message will be displayed. Touch Try Again to re-attempt
to connect.
During Bluetooth pairing and data transfer, ensure that the Auto Off timer is OFF to avoid the Vet30E turning off
during pairing or data transfer.
For instructions on changing the Auto Off timer, see section 4.3
To turn off Bluetooth, touch the Bluetooth icon in the Icon Menu. When Bluetooth is off, the icon will be greyed out in
the Icon Menu.
8.4 Data Transfer
Once a Bluetooth connection is established with a PC, data can be transferred to the Vet Data Capture PC application.
To begin a data transfer, touch the Data Transfer icon ( ) in the Icon Menu of the Vet30E. A status
message will pop up during the transfer on the Vet30E and will appear at the bottom of the Vet Data Capture
When data transfer is complete, the data will appear in the Vet Data Capture application. A “Transfer
Complete” status message will appear on the
Vet30E. Select OK to clear the status message.
The Vet Data Capture PC application does not retain data when closed.
To ensure data is saved, follow
instructions in section 6.5.
8.5 Reviewing Data and Creating Reports
The SunTech PC application allows the user to create reports of patient data. Via the Bluetooth connection, all data is
downloaded from the Vet30E and displayed on the software main screen in tabular format with the latest data at the
top of the screen. Within the PC application, a patient name, patient ID, species, and age can be added.
Saving Patient Information
Select the data points for a patient by holding Ctrl and clicking on each one. For large amounts of
consecutive data points, hold Shift and click the first and last data points to be included.
Use the text bars at the top of the screen to enter Patient Name, Patient ID, Species, and Age.
Click the Apply button to save the Patient Name, Patient ID, Species, and Age to the selected data points.
To correct an error, entries can be overwritten. Select the data point with incorrect information and enter the
correct information into the text bars. Selecting Apply will save the new information to the data point.
Selected portions of data can be organized into a report format that includes patient information, table of most recent
vital sign data, trend graphs and notes. This report can be printed or exported as a PDF file. The tabulated raw data
The last 4 digits of
the serial number
should match.