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Step 3: MultI-paNel CoNNeCtIoN

If you have more than one SolarCharger 4000/6000/8000 

panel, simply connect the Plug’n’Play® corner of one panel to 

the next using the quick-connect cable (SKU#10222, available 

for purchase separately). Observe steps 1 and 2 when mount-

ing additional panels.

Step 4: Charge CoNtroller to Battery 


Place the charge controller in a cool, dry and well ventilated 

area that can be easily accessible, usually around the bat-

tery compartment or in the cabin area. Connect the charge 

controller’s output or Negative (black or -) connec-

tion to the Negative (-) terminal of the battery. Next, connect 

the controller’s output or BATTERY Positive connection (red 

or +) to the Positive (+) terminal of the battery.

WarNINg! reVerSe CoNNeCtIoN to the Battery 

IS a FIre haZarD. It May DaMage your Solar 

Battery Charger. pleaSe oBSerVe proper 

polarIty. CoNSult your SuNSeI™ Charge

CoNtroller INStruCtIoN MaNual.

Step 5: Charge CoNtroller to paNel 


First, connect the power cable to the charge controller’s input 

or “Solar Panel / Array” connection. Start by connecting the 

black negative (-) wire of the power cable to the charge 

controller’s Negative (-) connection. Then, connect the red 

positive (+) wire of the power cable to the positive (+) con-

nection of the controller. Second, plug in the quick-connect 

side of the cable to your solar panel’s quick connect port.

NOTE: For more details on the charge controller operation, 

consult the controller instructions included with your Sunsei™ 

charge controller (available separately).

NOTE: Remove yellow wire protector caps prior to connecting 

to a Sunsei™ charge controller.






Step 1: poSItIoNINg

Select a location where your solar panels will get maximum 

daily sunshine exposure avoiding any shade. This may be on 

the roof or exterior walls of homes, cabins, RVs, etc. Ideally, 

try to have your panel facing perpendicular to the strong 

midday sun, between 10AM and 2PM.

Step 2: MouNtINg

Choose a solid and supportive mounting surface, capable of 

withstanding all expected loads, including the weight of the 

solar panel as well as those imposed by wind and snow.

FIg. 1 - Attach “S” mount brackets to solar panel frame using 

screws and bolts provided. Use at least one bracket on every 

side of the panel.

FIg. 2 - Position brackets on frame by sliding along track. 

Tighten screws to secure brackets to frame.

FIg. 3 - Connect power cable to solar panel connector.

FIg. 4 - Using screws provided, secure solar panel to surface 

selected in step 1.




Operating Instructions
