System with system kit (part # SQ-SK)
Diagram C-3
1. Turn off your pool pump. Block the inlet and outlet of your pool so that the water won't empty when you are
connecting your panel(s).
2. Install Three Way Diverter Valve (
and the PVC Tee (
on pool return line after filter. See
Diagram C-3. If you have another pool heater, the three-way valve and tee should be installed before it.
3. You may want to install a check valve between the three-way valve and your filter. This will prevent the water that is in
the panels from flowing backwards into the filter when your pump is turned off. If you install a check valve, make sure
when you winterize your pool that all your piping in drained.
4. Run you feed and return PVC piping from your pool to your solar panels. Make sure piping is installed in such a way
to allow proper drainage.
5. Make sure that your piping is connected the correct way and that all joints have been glued. Unblock the inlet and
outlet of your pool.
6. Turn on your pool pump. Check for any leaks. You will see air bubbles coming from the pool inlet. This is normal, the
air in the hoses is being purged.
7. Turn your solar heating system on by turning the three-way diverter valve. Once again you will see air bubbles coming
from your pool. The system is now purging the air that is in the solar panel(s).
Note: A motorized valve and Automatic controls are optional items available from your local pool dealer
Three Way
Swimming Pool
Pool Outlet
Pool Inlet
To Panel
From Panel