Fig.18-1: Attach the Left decorative bar of long side (H1) and Right decorative bar of long side (H2) to the
Middle bar (K2) by Bolt (AA) and Washer (BB).
Fig.18-2: Attach the Right decorative bar of short side (H4) to the Middle bar (K2) by Bolt (AA) and Washer
Fig.19: Attach the Decorative slot connector (Q) to the Left decorative bar of short side (H3) and Right
decorative bar of short side (H4) by Bolt (AA) and Washer (BB). Attach the connector (Q) to decorative bar
(H1) and (H2) by the same way.
Fig.17-1 Attach the Left decorative bar of long side (H1) to the Right decorative bar of long side (H2) as
the fig.17-1 shows. Assemble the decorative bar H3 & H4 by the same way.
Fig.17-2.Attach the decorative bar(H1, H2, H3, H4) to the cross beam (B1 B2 B3 B4) as the fig.17-2
shows. (Note: Two people are needed during this step.)
Fig.20-1: Attach the Short bar cover (O2) to the connecting part of Left decorative bar of long side (H1) and
Right decorative bar of long side (H2) by Bolt (AA) and Washer (BB).
Fig.20-2: Attach the Long bar cover (O1) to the decorative bar (H1/H3) and decorative bar (H2/ H4) as the
Fig.20-2 shows.
Fig.21: Put Corner cover (Outside) (D) through Post (A) to the corner of decorative bar (H1/H3) and
decorative bar (H4/H2), fix them by Bolt (FF) and Washer (BB).
Fig.22 Attach the Corner cover (Inside) (E) to the Post (A) by Bolt (AA) and Washer (BB).
Fig.23 Fix the assembled gazebo to the ground by using Stakes (II).