Version 11.04
t to c
e 2011 SUNF
Repeat steps 2) and 3) to insert the rest of the tubes. When all tubes have been installed and you
have tightened all bolts, you are finished with the assembly of the whole SFH integrated pressurized
solar water heater.
Install immersion heater and magnesium bar (If you buy them from us)
Install the immersion heate
Use a wrench to remove the threaded plug in the immersion heater opening. Wrap the heater pipe
threads with at least 2 or 3 windings of Teflon tape. Insert the immersion heater into the hole, being
careful not to damage the threads. Hand tightens until snug. Later, after there is water pressure,
check for leaks. If need be, using a wrench, tighten the immersion heater another 1/4 turn or until the
leak stops, again being careful not to damage the threads or break the immersion heater. If you
cannot stop the leak, turn off the water pressure, drain the tank, remove the heater and try the whole
procedure again, this time using more windings of Teflon.
The immersion heater is in the left
end so it doesn't burn up because of a low water level. If you use the immersion heater, the person
who installs the electric heater must be a qualified electrician. You need to use an electricity leakage
protection plug and it should be grounded.)
Install magnesium bar by the same method
Install controller (If you buy it from us)
Please install controller according to the manual of controller you’ve bought.
(The person who installs the
controller must be a qualified electrician).