Sunflex , Keys Park Road, Hednesford, Cannock, WS12 2FR
• tel: +44 (0)330 005 2233 • fax: +44(0) 1543 279505
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Positioning the valance
• Installing with a pre-installed compatible track
1. Remove the existing track and all of the brackets.
2. The drilled holes will be use to refit the valance bracket.
3. If the drilled holes for the end bracket are more than 1.5cm from the end of the installed track, or if the drilled
holes on the wall are less than 2.5cm from the ceiling, or if the drilled holes on the ceiling are less than 13.5cm
from the wall, you will need to re-drill their position by following the
relevant steps in the next sub-section.
• Installing with an uninstalled compatible track, with a pre-
installed non-compatible track/pole (wall fix only), or on its own.
1. Mark a line 4cm above the existing curtain track/pole or 10cm above
the window if nothing is installed.
2. Mark the position for the each end brackets 1.5cm inside the
existing/required curtain track/pole length.
3. Equally spread the position of all remaining brackets.
4. Drill the correct size hole, fit the wall plug (if appropriate).
Installing the brackets.
• For wall installation:
1. Screw the valance bracket backplates (Fig.1)
2. Clip the valance bracket arms into the backplates (Fig.2). For the 2
end brackets, clip on the end retainers (Fig.3) pointing away from the
centre of the track (Fig.5). Go to the next section.
• For ceiling installation:
1. Clip the valance bracket backplate onto the arm (Fig.2) and clip the
end retainers on 2 brackets, pointing in opposite directions. (Fig.3)
2. Screw the brackets to the ceiling (Fig.4). Place the brackets with end
retainer on each end of your installation, the retainer pointing away
from the centre of the track (Fig.5).
3. Installing compatible curtain track only.
1. Slide the system connectors onto the valance arms (Fig.6) and
secure in place with the screw provided. (Fig.7)
2. Install the track using the leverlock system of the connector.
Cutting and installing the valance track.
1. Calculate the width of the valance rail required by measuring the
distance between the center of the end brackets and adding 36cm.
2. Join the valance track. (Fig.8)
3. Carefully cut the track equally at each end to the required length
using a hacksaw and smooth the cut edges.
4. Slide the valance hook onto the valance track leaving enough hooks
to cover the valance return.
5. Mark 13.5cm from each end of the valance track and rub with a cloth
to bend at 90° on the mark to create the valance returns. (Fig.9)
Note: Rubbing will warm the track allowing it to bend more easily.
6. Slide the remaining valance hooks equally on each end of the
valance track.
7. Clip the valance track onto the brackets and clip the valance returns
onto the end retainers. (Fig.10)