under the collectors and for proper ventilation of
the roofing material. There should be at least 1 ½”
of clearance between the roof surface and the bot-
tom of the solar collectors. Local codes may require
greater clearance for snow shedding, etc.
4.3.3 When selecting mounting hardware and fas-
teners it is extremely important to avoid galvanic
corrosion resulting from the direct contact of incom-
patible metals. Use of SunEarth anodized aluminum
Solar Strut mounting hardware and stainless steel
lag or hanger bolts, and fastening hardware is rec-
ommended. In climates subject to severe winters
or high humidity use of galvanized fasteners is
4.3.4 Preserving the integrity of the roof membrane
is the most important roofing consideration. Ensure
that all roof penetrations required to plumb and
mount the solar collector are properly flashed and
sealed in accordance with best roofing practices.
4.3.5 If the region is subject to hurricane condi-
tions, additional steps may be required to secure
the collector and mounting hardware to the struc-
tural members. In certain areas of the country, local
building codes may require collector wind load
testing or prescribe specific mounting procedures.
Consult your local building department.
4.4 Collector Loop Plumbing
The collector loop must be plumbed using copper
or stainless steel piping and copper, brass, bronze
or stainless steel fittings. Lead-free solder shall be
used. Use of galvanized steel, CPVC or PVC is pro-
hibited. PEX may be used only in systems that meet
the following conditions:
The PEX tubing shall not be exposed to sunlight.
Water must be used as the heat transfer fluid.
The system shall be non-pressurized (capped at
atmospheric on the day of installation) or shall be
vented to atmosphere.
A length of uninsulated copper tube no less than ¾”
nominal diameter shall be used at the hot outlet of
the solar collector(s) for a distance of no less than
three feet (3’) before the transition is made to PEX
fig. 5