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The following guide is a general outline of spa care and is intended for use with water
testing in order to maintain the spa. The following are all chemicals and techniques
recommend for use with all Sunbelt Spas.
Test Strips
– Use at least two times a week to check your chemical levels. Utilize the
instructions on the test strips to perform the test and read results accurately. Do not add
chemicals to the spa without testing the spa first. Leaving the strips outside or storing them
with other chemicals will impair the functions of the strip. Test kits from a local spa or pool
supplier are often easier to understand and interpret than test strips.
Spa Defender/Stain and Scale Control
– This product will remove calcium from the water.
Calcium can make deposits in the jets, plumbing, and pumps. Use ½ oz per week.
– This is usually a viscous blue liquid. This will remove oils, soap, and suntan lotions.
Clarifier will stop the spa from foaming without leaving a residue, but it takes several hours to
completely clear the water. Use ½ oz per week.
Metal Gon
– This product will remover copper and iron from the water. Use one pint with
each refill of fresh water and a maintenance schedule of 1 – 2 oz. per week.
– If the ozone generator is installed in your Sunbelt Spa it will run while the spa is on
the filtration cycle. Ozone will greatly reduce the total amount of chemicals you will use over
the lifetime of your spa.
PH Minus
– Always test the PH first, add PH Minus to the water to lower the levels of PH if
needed. Granular PH Minus is usually more effective than the liquid form. Re-test daily until
the PH is within normal range. DO NOT USE MURIATIC ACID!
Spa Frog Mineral Stick
– Works on eliminating bacteria and preventing algae growth while
helps to neutralize ph. Unique blend of minerals to make your water softer, safer and sparkling
clear. This can be used with bromine, chlorine, and ozone system.
Renew Spa Shock
– Chlorine free sanitizing system keeps water clean and healthy. Add renew
after use to destroy wastes left behind and eliminate bacterial contaminants.
PH Plus
– Always test the PH before adding PH plus. Only add PH Plus when the PH levels are