How This Book Is Organized
This book contains the following chapters:
lists limitations of your use of StorageTek storage arrays in a Sun Cluster environment.
discusses how to install StorageTek storage arrays and how to configure logical units
on them.
describes how to maintain StorageTek storage arrays in a running cluster.
Revision History
The following table lists the information that has been revised or added since the initial release of this
documentation. The table also lists the revision date for these changes.
Sun Cluster 3.0 - 3.1 with StorageTek Fibre Channel RAID Arrays Manual for Solaris OS
Revision Date
New Information
No Revisions.
Related Documentation
The following books provide conceptual information or procedures to administer hardware and
applications. If you plan to use this documentation in a hardcopy format, ensure that you have these
books available for your reference.
The following Sun Cluster books support the Sun Cluster 3.1, 2004, and 2005 releases. If you are
maintaining a different version of Sun Cluster software, refer to the appropriate documentation. All
Sun Cluster documentation is available at
Documentation that is not available at
is listed with the appropriate URL.
For the StorageTek 6140 array, refer to the online product documentation. For the StorageTek 6540
array, the documents listed in the following table are available on
StorageTek 6540 Array Documentation
Part Number
StorageTek 6540 Array Site Preparation Guide
StorageTek 6540 Array Hardware Installation Guide
StorageTek 6540 Array Release Notes
Sun Cluster 3.0 - 3.1 with StorageTek Fibre Channel RAID Arrays Manual for Solaris OS • July 2006, Revision A