PARAMAX SFC Operating Manual
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +49 (0) 8136 66 0
Cyclostraße 92
85229 Markt Indersdorf
4. Storage before StartUp
The PARAMAX SFC gearbox must be stored in a clean dry area, protected by a roof.
The PARAMAX SFC gearbox should not be stored in the open, or in damp areas.
The quality of the oil seal deteriorates when exposed to high temperatures and UV radiation.
After long periods of storage, inspect the oil seal and replace it if there are any signs of damage or
After starting the PARAMAX SFC gear unit, check for unusual noises, vibrations or heating. If any
anomalies are found, please contact our nearest agent, dealer or service centre immediately.
Following delivery, put the PARAMAX SFC gear unit into operation for 5 to minutes every 2 to 3
months, using the recommended lubricant. If this is not possible, or if the PARAMAX SFC gear unit is to
be stored for more than 6 months, fill the gearbox with the appropriate quantity of vapor phase inhibi-
tor (JIS NP20 or equivalent product), following the recommendations of the product manufacturer.
5. Installation of the Paramax SFC Transmission
5.1 Required Aids
- Wrench set
- Torque wrench for mounting bolts on foot/flange housing, motor lanterns, clamp couplings etc.
- Retractor
- Compensating elements
- Corrosion protection (e.g. MoS2 paste, Molykote, copper paste)
The corrosion protection applied to shaft ends, hollow shafts and centering seats during storage and
transport must be removed before startup. The corrosion protection can be removed using an alkaline
solvent. Never use mechanical methods for removal (e.g. abrasive materials etc.). The alkaline solvent
should not be allowed to come into contact with the seals.
When handling lubricants, solvents and anti-corrosion agents, follow the human and environmental
safety instructions given on the corresponding DIN 52 900 safety data sheets.
4.1 Long-Term Storage
If the PARAMAX SFC gear unit is fitted with a reverse lock and is being left out of operation for a long
period, the unit should be started for at least 5 minutes every 200 hours.
SIT S.A. | Tfno. 943 457200 | [email protected] | www.sitsa.es
SIU 8320-00
Instrucciones de instalación y mantenimiento Reductores PARAMAX SFC para Torres de Refrigeración