Operation and maintenance manual
Product code: DTP05 (Ex)
Product description: Corner Drum Depalletiser
Technical Support Line: +44 (0)1736 851050
Any maintenance needs to be carried out by a competent individual. The unit is
designed to be low maintenance.
Monthly Annually
Brakes and Toggle
Test brakes and adjust if required
Check orange side-shift toggle grips cross beam
(DTP04 only)
Chassis and Superstructure
Inspect labels are legible and complete
Inspect all components for wear and damage
Inspect chassis for damage and visually inspect all
welds for cracks
If the unit is ATEX rated ensure that the earthing
chains are in contact with the floor and that the
wheels are clean, free from debris
Hydraulic Operations
Test hydraulic lift and lower function for correct
Check hydraulic oil level via sight glass, top up if
below half sight glass
Inspect hydraulic seals for damage and leaks
Replace hydraulic oil (Shell Tellus 22 or equivalent)
Agreed Performance Level
Carry out a load test with rated load, or if necessary
with customer specified load
Steam jets, degreasing agents and high-pressure
cleaners should be employed with great caution to
avoid degreasing components
Hydraulics troubleshooting
Unit does not lift
Unit overloaded
Unit does not lift to full stroke
Pump is short of oil. Ensure rod is at bottom
of stroke and top-up/refill with hydraulic oil.
Shell Tellus 22 or equivalent, half sight glass.
Oil leaking from top of ram around
chromed rod
Replace ram seals
Oil leaking from tank filler point
Filler bung damaged or unit over filled with