Strong Enterprises owner’s manual. Para-Cushion model 311 Wedge
11236 Satellite Blvd. Orlando, FL 32837 Tel.: (407) 859-9317 Fax: (407) 850-6978
Wrap the diaper around the skirt
and left line group.
Put only the left half of
the lines inside the dia-
per. Otherwise the pur-
pose of the diaper will
be defeated, allowing it
to release before all the
lines are unstowed.
Pass the three (two on older mod-
els) locking rubber bands through
their respective grommets in the
diaper. Secure the diaper by stow-
ing the left line group through each
of the three (or two) rubber bands,
stowing from top to bottom making
1 1/2 inch tight bights. Unless the
shorter (1 1/4”) rubber bands are
used, these rubber bands should
be doubled to hold the line stows