11236 Satellite Blvd. Orlando, FL 32837 Tel.: (407) 859-9317 Fax: (407) 850-6978 www.strongparachutes.com
Strong Enterprises Owner’s Manual. TNT System -
Rev. A 1/16
4.0 Introduction
This section outlines the manufacturers instructions on how to rig and pack the TNT system, the
approved components, and the recommended packing tools. In the U.S.A this system must be
packed in accordance with US FAA regulation 105.43 & 105.45 which state:
No person may make a parachute jump with a tandem parachute system unless—
1. The main parachute has been packed within 180 days before the date of its use by a
certificated parachute rigger, the person making the next jump with that parachute, or a
non-certificated person under the direct supervision of a certificated parachute rigger.
The reserve parachute has been packed by a certificated parachute rigger.
3. The tandem parachute system contains an operational automatic activation device for the
reserve parachute, approved by the manufacturer of that tandem parachute system. The
device must—
i. Have been maintained in accordance with manufacturer instructions, and
ii. Be armed during each tandem parachute operation.
Outside the U.S.A. local regulations apply as long as the instruction in this manual are followed by
an appropriately rated parachute rigger or equivalent using only Approved components.
4.1 Approved Components
Please refer to the most current “Approved Components List” for a current list of approved
components for the TNT. The list can be found on the website.