5.1 Turning The StressVest® Arm Shocker On
When the StressVest® Arm Shocker is off, press and hold the Power Button (2) until the Status Light (3) turns
on, then release the Power Button (2). A blue blinking Status Light (3) indicates the StressVest® Arm Shocker
is powered on and idle. The StressVest® Arm Shocker cannot be activated nor will it shock until it is armed
(indicated by red blinking Status Light (3) ).
5.2 Turning The StressVest® Arm Shocker Off
When the StressVest® Arm Shocker is idle press and hold the Power Button (2) until the Status Light (3)
rapidly ]lashes red and blue. Release the Power Button (2) and the StressVest® Arm Shocker will power off.