Varan 1.14, 1.20
Changes in models reserved.
Dimensions not binding!
- The boiler is connected to a room thermostat, but does
not switch to ignition mode
Check the current room temperature and compare
it to the related preset temperature on the boiler. Make sure
that the heating cycle is currently in operation. Test the room
thermostat for possible malfunction.
9.2 Group II
The most common error message of this group is Er03.
- The boiler has already been in run mode but ceased
operation. During a new heating demand (from boiler
or room thermostat), it will not start operation again.
the combustion chamber is filled with unburned pel-
Check the values in the parameters A26, Th28 and
Th06. They may have been altered.
The parameter A26 must be set to ‚1‘.
The parameter Th06 must be between ‚60‘ to ‚65,
and parameter Th28 must be at least 2°C lower than Th06.
Adjust the parameters, clean the combustion chamber and
restart the boiler.
- The boiler has already been in run mode, but unburnt
pellets are piling up in teh combustion chamber. The
flames are getting smaller and are extinguished.
Increase exhaust the fan RMP in all phases using
the calibration menu.
The boiler is operating, but is stops unexpectetly and
starts modulationg. After that, a safety switch-off
occurs. (Extingishing) (Error Er05).
The flue gas temperature is too high – possibly
resulting from a polluted boiler, too much draught, high fan
power, too many pellets in the combustion chamber, bad
pellet quality, etc. This problem can be solved usually by
adjusting one of the parameters for the transmission to
modulation or the safety switch-off (resulting from high flue
gas temperature): Parameters Th07, Th08.
Possible Malfunctions