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Status of the appliance
If the LED is on it indicates that the system is powered on.
If it is off, it indicates that the system is powered off.
If the LED is green, it indicates that the system’s operational state is normal.
If it is red, it indicates that the system is malfunctioning.
If the LED blinks, it indicates data access activities; otherwise, it remains off.
A LCD screen indicating that the model is StreamGroomer SG4412. The push buttons are not operational.
A Reset button can be used to reboot the StreamGroomer without turning off the power. (software reboot)
Interfaces for configuration:
Console and USB
By using suitable rollover cable or RJ-45 to DB-9 console cable, you can
connect to a computer terminal for diagnostic or configuration purpose.
Terminal Configuration Parameters: 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1
stop bit, no flow control.
The USB 2.0 ports are used to allow the SG to retrieve a configuration file
from a storage device. The configuration file is generated with the SGM.
Interfaces for monitored WAN access links
WAN access links
LAN1 and WAN1 are associated with a LAN bypass.
LAN2 and WAN2 are associated with a LAN bypass.
Interfaces for management
Management ports
This interface is a GigaEthernet port. The ADMIN interface is used as port
to manage the SG4412 with the SGM.
An IP address will be assigned to this interface for that purpose.
This interface is a GigaEthernet port. The EXT interface is used to connect
a second SG4412 to the appliance in order build the DUAL and TANDEM
The following table describes the meaning of the colours for the Ethernet ports: