Troubleshooting & FAQs
Softeners are not used to treat drinking
water; they are used only to change the
water’s “hardness.” They put sodium into
the water in exchange for magnesium or
calcium ions. Stream Drinking Water
Systems don’t remove dissolved minerals
so the pH is not changed.
What is the difference between a “water
softener” and the Stream Drinking Water
Soft water is good for bathing, laundering,
and may extend the life of hot water
heaters and boilers. However, soft water
should not be used for watering plants
or lawns. You should not use a water
softener for drinking water.
If the water source is questionable, you
should disinfect it before use. Just add 1/2
tsp of bleach per gallon of water; then the
Stream System will remove this solution
from the water. Ask your nearest public
water utility for assistance or guidelines on
the proper treatment of untreated water.
Can the Stream System be used on un-
treated water?
Stream Systems are designed to be used
on treated water systems; they are not
meant to be used where the water is
unsafe or with water of unknown quality
without first disinfecting the water.
However, systems certified for cyst
reduction can be used on water that
may contain filterable cysts.
Change your filter.
What should I do if my water starts to
smell or taste bad?
The carbon block filter may adopt the
tastes and odors that it is absorbing.
You should keep 2 filters on hand. When
one begins to smell, remove it and let it dry
upside down on a paper towel. Once the
sulfur smell dissipates, you can reuse the
filter. Rotating filter cartridges like this will
also help extend the life of your filters.
What does it mean if my water starts to
smell like rotten eggs?
This is typically a sign of hydrogen sulfide
gas, which is not uncommon and can occur
at any time.
Turn on the water simply to reduce the
flow of water slightly through the diverter
What does it mean if there is a “milky”
color in my water?
This milky color is actually just small
bubbles, caused by a higher than normal
water pressure flowing through the
system. This won’t affect the performance
of the System.
You should replace your filters at least
every twelve months, or when its capacity
is reached, whichever comes first. You can
also try turning up the water pressure or
turning off other faucets or sprinklers that
may be on.
What do I do if the flow rate is too slow?
The filter is designed to slow and restrict
flow when the filter is clogged with
contaminants. When the flow rate slows,
it is time to change your filter.
Allow the water to run through the unit for
about 30 minutes.
What should I do if my water is black?
The black color is from carbon dust
and is nothing to worry about.
Simply flush the system.